Page 44 of Cruel Bully

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Perhaps it’s good it’s winter break. Some time away from the woman I’ve spent years teasing and degrading is exactly what both of us need. Time away to reflect on what the hell just happened and what this sick and twisted dynamic I created is turning into.



It feels like for the first time since the start of the academic year, I can breathe again.


It’s so good to be home, and away from the toxicity of the academy. When I left for the year, I was optimistic. After all, Elias’ bullying hadn’t been as bad for the last two years, but instead of it getting better, he’s done a complete three-sixty turn.

Goosebumps rise over my skin as I remember the way it felt to be beneath him while he fucked and kissed me. I can’t erase the moment from my mind. It was sickeningly enjoyable and I hate myself for thinking that. The way he kissed me. The way he touched me. I’ve never felt so wanted in all my life, which makes no sense because that’s the last thing Elias intends to make me feel.

Mikhail’s friend is interesting. Sienna suits him and deep down, I’m kind of hoping that my instincts are right. Maybe Mikhail has found a girl to settle down with and have kids, which would mean I’d be off the hook for running the Gurin Bratva.

It’s nice not to have anything to do as I lie on my back, staring at the ceiling and contemplating a different future. Men have always run the bratva. After all, it literally means brotherhood in Russian.

A ding from my cell phone draws my attention and I grab it off my nightstand, stomach dipping when I see it’s from Elias.

How is your brother?

I clench my jaw and shake my head. There’s no way I’m rising to his taunts, not while I’m here, away from the academy. It may result in a harsh punishment when I return, but I really couldn’t care less. I need this break away from him to clear my head and remember all the terrible things he’s done to me. Somehow, I need to erase the way he made me feel the last night of the academy.

Another text comes through.

Go check on him. I think he’s received a rather disturbing message this morning.

A brick settles in my gut as I push off the bed, wondering what the fuck he’s on about. My heart thuds unevenly against my rib cage as I slip into a pair of slip-ons and pad toward the door, opening it. Mikhail is often holed up in his study, so I decide that’s the best place to look for him.

So I walk out of my room, down the stairs and head toward his study. The door is ajar, and I hear hushed voices coming from inside, so I knock loudly.

The voices stop and then Mikhail calls. “Who is it?”

“It’s me,” I say.

There’s more hushed chatter and then Mikhail says. “Come in.”

I open the door to find him in there with Lev, looking concerned.

“Lev was just leaving.” He glares at his Sovietnik, who is in my brother’s bad books.

Lev nods and walks past me, heading out into the corridor.

Mikhail smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes, which tells me instantly something is off. “What’s up, Natalya?”

I shake my head. “Not much. I wanted to check on you.” My brow furrows as I notice some kind of document on his desk, but it’s the writing that catches my eyes. It’s Elias’ hand writing. I’d know it anywhere. “Is everything okay?”

He runs a hand across the back of his neck and nods. “Of course. Why wouldn’t it be?”

I shrug. “You seem stressed.”

His jaw clenches as he sits down behind the desk, shaking his head. “Things in Boston aren’t exactly easy at the moment. You know that.”

I nod, as I know that the Irish and Italians have been at each other’s throats for months, and it’s effecting the bratva. “Yes, it just seems like something else is on your mind,” I push, remembering Elias’ instructions the day before the winter formal.

Over winter break, you will verify the truth of these rumors.

Mikhail loosens his tie, eyes darting briefly to the folder on his desk.

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