Page 58 of Cruel Bully

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Adrianna nods. “For sure. People will be assholes, but they’ll forget about it in a week.”

“I bet Elias will really rip into me for it,” Eva says.

The mention of Elias makes heat spread through my veins and my cheeks warm. I know I’m blushing just from how hot I feel, but I clear my throat and shake my head. “He’s always an asshole. There’s no doubt it will be the same with this.”

“Why are you so red?” Adrianna asks, brow furrowing.

I shrug. “It’s hot in here, isn’t it?”

Camilla shakes her head. “I was thinking the opposite.” She pulls her shawl closer to her. “It’s fucking freezing.”

“Maybe I’m coming down with something,” I say.

Both Camilla and Eva lean away from me. “Well, don’t go spreading it around,” Camilla says.

Eva nods. “The last thing I want is to get sick.”

“Why? Because you’ve got lots of hot sex to have with Principal Byrne?” I ask.

She turns red and shakes her head, shoving me in the shoulder. “Don’t be a dick.” She grabs a slice of pizza and chews on it as we all fall into contended silence.

I know I’m being a dick, but I’m thankful the attention is off me. The last thing I want is for my friends to realize what’s going on between Elias and I. It’s shameful, really. Especially since Camilla and Adrianna have been there since the start.

They’ve seen everything he’s put me through, and yet I can’t help but blush at the mention of his name. I fear I’m already in too deep with him and the longer this continues, the deeper into the hole I’ll go with no way out.



The news broke this morning and all I can think is Eva is going to get in between Natalya and I. She is the Principal’s wife, for fuck’s sake. It gives her power I can’t contend with. I stalk after her down the path toward the cottage, knowing I have to get her alone and warn her off. There’s no way I’m letting her screw this up for me, not now.

“Eva,” I call her name.

Eva’s back turns tense as she stops, turning around. “Elias, what do you want?”

I smirk, crossing my arms over my chest and leaning against the wall flanking the path. “Why don’t you come and sit?”

Eva shakes her head. “I’m alright here, thanks.”

Rage coils through me as my eyes narrow. “Just because you’re now the principal’s little pet, don’t get any ideas about Natalya and me.” I close the gap between us. “You may think it gives you power, but with Natalya, you stay the fuck out of it.”

Eva’s eyes flash with anger. “Why don’t you stop messing with Nat and admit that you have feelings for her already?”

It feels like she slaps me in the face with her words. Feelings for Natalya Gurin? “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Eva tilts her head. “I think you know what I mean. Why else would you be so obsessed with her?”

It’s a word that has come to my mind a bit too often of late. “Obsessed?” I repeat it half in a question. “I’m not…” I trail off, knowing it’s a lie. Natalya has been an obsession of mine long before I took her virginity.

“Did the penny just drop?” Eva teases.

I glare at her, clenching my fists by my side. “Just stay out of my way, understand?”

“I understood you the first time, Elias. And have I gotten in your way since?” she asks.

“No, but I’m saying don’t get Oakley involved.”

“I had no intention of doing so.” Eva holds my gaze. “Now, if you don’t mind. I’m going home.”
