Page 33 of Risqué

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“What if I—”


“No?” Pulling into her driveway, I put the car in park and cut the engine. “Are you sure you want to say no to me?”

“Positive.” Her gorgeous brown eyes sparkle in the dark, the little bit of streetlight streaming in through her side bringing out their warmth. “You will head inside, eat what I give you, and not a single complaint.”

“Are you giving me orders, love?”

“Yes.” No hesitation, but what I enjoy the most is the look of surprise on her face. The shock, yet she doesn’t waiver or cower from me, and I’d sit through a hundred corny movies to see the silly grin on her face all day.

“As you wish. Do your worst.” Someday I’ll repay you for this with my tongue between those thighs.

I leave her primly asleep on her bed—after being carried—before we reach the midway point of The Little Mermaid. She was snoring a bit, stretched out on the couch she slowly overtook while I played with her hair. The soft strands felt like silk on my fingertips, but it’s the satisfied groans that had beads of pre-come falling from the tip of my cock and rolling down the length.

Unlocking the front door to the townhome beside Aliana’s, I walk over to the Ziploc box sitting atop the kitchen island. It’s there along with a thick manila envelope, a cheeky welcome basket that makes me snort, and the instructions to change the front-door passcode to my temporary residence.

Kray’s been in and out all day, the security app on my cell alerting me each time he entered, allowing the furniture company access to set up the few things purchased. Couch, dining table, and a king-sized bed are all I need. My plans don’t account for staying long, but this place will come in handy and when you have the money, anything is accessible within the timeframe you allow.

Pulling out the set of keys I took from Aliana, I remove the one I need and slip it inside a small plastic bag. Timmons is already at the door per my instructions silently waiting, and I toss the item his way.

He catches it, giving me a nod. “This will take thirty at the most. The shop is a little far.”

“No worries. I’ll be here.”

“Will you be needing me after?”

“No.” I know what he wants, and she should be easy for him to locate. “Handle what you need to. I’ll call you when I’m ready to discuss her protection detail.”

“Will do. My phone is always on if you need me.” He leaves, the door closing behind him, and I’m already at the fridge, grabbing a cold lager and popping the top. The first sip is refreshing, almost enough to cool the simmering heat left behind from her skin on mine.

It doesn’t, though.

I’m starting to think nothing will.

There’s a TV in the living room and I turn it on, switching over to the app with the feed I’ll need, which leads me to the Airplay setting on my iPhone. I left three gifts inside her home, an invasion of privacy I don’t regret.

Her words, the genuine reactions every time I give her a choice, don’t sit well with me. It nags—like a slowly penetrating blade—piercing my skin until a wound appears that will not close.

If someone is hurting her, I will kill them.

Without a second thought. No empathy.

My beautiful girl deserves to smile more. I’ve claimed her. There’s no going back.

I’m a man of my word and convictions; Aliana Rubens is mine and will be.

“She’ll catch up soon enough.” Placing the bottle down atop the granite, I open the file and read. It only takes a few lines for things to begin clicking into place, and my vision turns red. Anger burns through me just as a light across the street turns on, bringing a smile to my lips.

A man should never hunt when he’s unprepared. Being comfortable makes you weak.

And while I want to empty a clip in his head, I have better plans for Mr. Martin.

His shadow moves across the window while my lights go out. He sits where I can make out his body, and I can easily shoot him from here without him noticing the man taking in his every move.

I have a silencer. I have enough bullets to repaint the inside of that home with his blood.

“Your time is almost up.”
