Page 10 of Half Truths: Then

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However, I don’t begrudge him the tumultuous emotions wrecking his heart: hate, need, and revenge is all he’s known for a long time.

The time will come to help him. The stars will show me the way.

Because I’ve dreamt of this meeting for two summers now. Kept my visions and warnings to myself while preparing my heart for the inevitable.

A seer is just as prone to heartache as anyone else. Seeing it beforehand doesn’t change the outcome, and the universe has a way of righting itself; a path can never deviate. The end will always be the same.

Just like I couldn’t save my parents, no matter how much I wish I could.

Another deep inhale and a shiver rushes up my spine, forcing my attention away from painful thoughts and back to the man who possesses my soul. The tug in my chest is also harder. Sharper and alert.

He’s still here. Watching me.

My blue eyes snap open and my head tilts, catching the sharp glow of gold a second before they darken. Swirls of darkness mix with the aurum, the colors swirling while a low rumble greets my ears.

No words. Just a soothing purr that settles the pain he’s caused.

As if he has no choice but to comfort me.

The water lapping at my flesh feels like a caress the longer he stares. As if the drops of come that fell from his thick shaft, painting the grass below his clawed feet, are marking my flesh.

It’s time to go.

“Goodbye.” The lone word slips past my lips on a whisper. It’s so low he almost doesn’t hear, but then I’m met with the angry growl of a wolf, and that settles my heart.

The man might not be ready for me, but his animal is. His displeasure is palpable, yet neither make a move to stop me.

And without looking back, I turn and wade toward the shore. My siblings are not far from here, sleeping and resting after a long day and the bad news received, unaware of my sneaking out. We’ve traveled far to escape those who killed our family and the vampire king, but the time of our return draws near.

You can’t outrun fate.

The sanctified lands my family owns a few miles away is on neutral ground, yet the protection spells keep us unseen. Undetectable to our kind or other species unless we invite you inside.

We’re far enough that those hunting the Moore heirs haven’t reached the soil we rest upon.

Close enough to those that see us as enemies for reasons that are untrue and unjust. Father never spoke of the reasons why—never an ill word toward those who hate us—but instead, promised me it would all work out before I understood how deep the lies ran.

It wasn’t until my first dream that I realized how steep my hill would be. Hurts my soul.

Moreover, if my siblings were to wake and find me gone, they’d freak out.

But tonight, I had no choice.

The stars don’t lie. Neither does the moon.

Before we return to the Moore home, we had to meet. The seedling of doubt in his heart had to be created.

Until we meet again, my heart.

* * *

I’m laying down inside our private quarters after a few days of traveling by boat, while my siblings have dinner in another locomotive cart. We’re on our way to Naples after traveling for days from England to Italy, something I am finding bittersweet.

I left my heart back in that forest.

Returning is inevitable for me, but so is the future full of hurt that awaits. Even if at the end I walk away, my mate needs to see the truth for himself. I’m going to take away his burden—that choking pain crushing his soul—and then he will choose.

Two paths. One answer. A swinging pendulum.
