Page 29 of Reckless Soul

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That’s all it said. Nyx doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who puts kisses after his messages and it makes me feel special. I hadn’t had time to message him back earlier, not with mother flapping around like a chicken trying to get us ready, so decide to type a message back to him now.

Hope you slept okay. I’m at the most boring luncheon at my father’s club. You up to much?

I keep it casual andreturn to the table. The senator’s wife picks the conversation straight back up, and Abby gives me an unimpressed glance from across the room where she’s been seated beside Mrs. Hannigan herself. I feel my phone vibrate on my lap and can’t resist taking a look.

Guess being an orphan has its perks after all.

I try to hide the giggle that I snort behind my hand, and earn myself a sharp look from Mom. Then, keeping my hand under the crisp white table cloth I write back a quick reply.

And here was me hoping you might live up to your reputation and come rescue me.

“I’m sure Ella would love to meet Ruben when he next visits, wouldn’t you, dear?” I feel a sharp kick at my ankle and look up to one of Mom's fake smiles, her wide eyes peering at me expectantly.

“Ruben? Ruben…”

“Mrs. Bennet’s son,” Mom speaks through her teeth, but I’m too distracted by another vibration against my thigh that I know is another reply from Nyx.

“Sure, why not.” I smile at the woman beside me. Then quickly flick my eyes down to my phone.

On my way, princess.

Dread seeps from my preppy headband all the way down to my toes. Because with Nyx, I know anything is possible and a few minutes later, when the harpist’s soothing strings are drowned out by a very loud, gravelly engine, heat floods my entire body.

It can’t be him, how would he know what club my father is a member of? And even if he did know, he couldn’t have gotten here this fast.

I smile a nervous smile across the table, and find the confidence to raise my eyes and look out the patio doors at what everyone else is staring at. Sure enough, it’s Nyx that’s caused the disturbance.

He skids up the flagstone, gravel beneath his tires as he rides around the fountain at the front of the building.The bike he’s riding is different to the one he usually rides to school and he pulls it to a stop on the other side of the lawn from the glass doors that separate us. He looks sinful saddling the leather seat, his hand twisting the throttle and making his engine rev.

He’s staring at me through the glass, willing for me to go to him and I pull away from his intense glare to look at Abby. She claps her hands together excitedly until a side glare from her mother causes her to quickly look back down at her plate.

“Whatever’s this?” Mother asks with one of her snooty laughs, her eyes focused on the senator’s wife.

“That’s my ride.” I take a deep breath as I stand up, leaving any sense I claim to possess at the table with the dullest group of people I’ve ever met in my life.

A horrified gasp leaves Mom's mouth as I dash around the tables and push open the doors to the patio. Adrenaline pumping frantically into my veins and ignoring the please do not walk on the grass sign as I race across the lawn.

Nyx smiles at me, revealing a tiny dimple in his left cheek that I’ve never noticed before.

“Hey.” I smile back at him, blanking out all the chaos I’ve left behind me.

“Princess.” His smirk spreads wider as he gestures his head over his shoulder, daring me to hop on behind him.

“Ella Rose Jackson… I forbid you to get onto that motorcycle,” Mother’s distressed voice calls out from behind me and when I turn around, I see a crowd has gathered on the patio. Mom’s hand cups her mouth, her knees turning inwards like she’s about to collapse and I mouth a sorry to her before throwing my leg over the seat and straddling behind Nyx.

“Hold on tight, darlin’,” he warns me as he pulls off, and when I clench my arms tighter around his solid middle, he does something that makes the engine screech louder and speeds us out the gates of my father’s precious club.

My grip doesn’t loosen for the whole journey. I don’t ask where he’s taking me, I don’t care. All that seems to matter is the fact he came. I can’t think about the consequences, not while I’m on such a high.

It feels like I’m soaring as he rides us through the mountains and as I breath in the fast flowing air around me, I don’t care how harsh my punishment will be. The rush of being bad with Nyx feels too good to be worrying about them.

Nyx surprises me when he veers off the road into some woodland.This bike is much rougher and louder than his normal one, I don’t know if it’s even road legal and I hold on a little tighter as we bounce over the rougher terrain. He cuts the engine when we come to a clearing, waiting for me to climb off before he gets off himself and props the bike against one of the trees.

He remains silent, threading his fingers through mine to grip my hand and leading me deeper into the forest until we reach a shelter hidden amongst the trees and bushes.

“What’s this?” I ask as he tugs me closer.

“This is my kick-ass hideaway.” He shoots me with that boyish grin again, and it looks so good on him I’m desperate for him to kiss me again.
