Page 62 of Vengeful Soul

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“Your boys, huh? Your. Boys. The same boys who a few hours ago learned all about your secret little enterprise. The same boys who formed a truce with my VP here, and those same Bastard boys who told us where to find you.”

Clunk’s face turns white, and his mouth suddenly drops at the corners.

Leaning forward, Prez takes his knife from his pocket, scraping the blade around the stitching on the President badge that Clunk’s got sewn onto the chest of his cut.

“Jessie will see this gets to its new owner for ya,” he tells Clunk as he places the patch in my hand, and I smirk at the sick old fuck as I tuck it inside my pocket. We’ve already stripped him of everything he cares about, and we’re only just getting started.

Prez pulls up a chair and sits opposite the fallen President.

“Jessie got some stuff he wants to get off his chest with ya. Then me and you can air out our grievances.” Prez sits back in his chair casually and nods for me to take the floor.

Brax knows what’s going through my mind. He knows this side of me better than anyone else does. He understands it, because to us this isn’t just a craft that binds us, it’s a second nature.

He opens the duffel bag and passes me the gaffer tape, and I rip a strip off with my teeth ready to cover Clunk’s mouth.

“What ya doin'?” Prez stands up and pulls back on my arm. “Nah, son, I want to hear every sound of pain this fucker’s got in him,” he tells me, looking straight into the eyes of his nemesis.

“Whatever you say, boss.” I discard the tape and take the next item off Brax, feeding on the way Clunk’s eyes widen as I bring the shark fishing hook toward him. Brax stands behind him and tears open the front of his shirt, giving me access to his bloated belly and saggy grey-haired chest.

“I’ve been wondering…” I scrape the hook across the floor as I move closer to him. “…If I hang you from the roof by your stomach, like the animal that you are, what d’ya think will kill you first?” I press the sharp point of the hook against his belly button and watch him squirm. “The weight of your body bearing on this hook and the struggle you will instinctively make, forcing it to slowly tear right through you?” I skim the sharp point all the way up his torso until I reach Adam’s apple. “Or will you bleed out before that happens?”

“He’ll rip before he bleeds out,” Brax predicts out loud, after tilting his head and weighing up the options.

“You get off on kids, you sick fuck.” I pull the hook back and place it between his legs. “I should tear you out from your asshole for the things you’ve done.” The mighty Clunk Morrison squeals like a pig about to be slaughtered, and the satisfaction it brings washes over me like a morning breeze.

“You took away the closest thing I ever had to a sister.” I pull back my elbow and strike, lodging the hook's barbed tip, deep into his gut. He wails in agony when I drag it up inside him and leave an open scrape oozing with thick red blood in its trail. He tries to spare me his pain, sniffing in a breath as he feels me rip through his flesh.

“You made my old lady and her mother a target.” Slowly, I withdraw the hook, the anchored end ripping through more flesh as I pull it free.

Brax passes me the next item he knows I’ll want, a full bag of salt, which I sprinkle generously onto the neat, deep flesh wound I’ve made through his stomach. He sizzles beneath it like a slug. Tied down and helpless as his body burns from the inside out.

There’s nothing he can do to hide the pain he’s in now. His head falling back and a loud scream tearing from his throat. And it earns him a hard slam in the jaw from Brax.

I press my hand over the wound and rub the rough grains in deeper, merging it with his blood and bringing him more torture. There’s no amount of pain that he could suffer to make up for what he took, and this has been a long time coming.

Taking my filthy, blood-soaked hand, I twist it into his face, giving him a taste of salt and blood combined.

“For Hayley,” I lean forward and whisper. Then spitting on his cheek, I step back and get ready to watch my Prez finally unleash all the hate he’s been carrying.

“You think she belongs to you now?” Clunk chokes out, and despite the agony, he’s in, he still manages that cocky grin. “Maddy will always be mine. That girl got Bastard blood running right through her veins. She belongs to me. Always has, always will.”

“Whatcha say?”

Brax moves quickly, stopping me from launching at the mess of a man, he knows that once my hands touch him again, it’ll be fatal.

“You’re lying, you sick son of a bitch.” I push my body into Brax’s shoulder, trying to get to him but Brax holds firm, knowing that Clunk is Prez’s soul to take.

“You just ask her whoring Mama,” Clunk chuckles back at me despite the pain he must be in, and Brax wraps both his arms around me to grip me tighter. Prez stands up and leans over the good as dead man’s body.

“There was a time when I thought you’d won. That you’d taken everything away from me,” Prez starts, his voice low and coarse. “But seeing you now, like this, desperate and fuckin’ ruined…You got no army to fight your cause. You’re a man without power, without morals, and not a damn person out there cares enough about you to try and keep you alive.” I keep fighting against Brax’s hold. I need to make him hurt. What he’s said about Maddy can’t be true. She’s too fucking good to have come from a monster like him.

“My daughter died in the very spot where you will, she died surrounded by people who loved her, people who would have taken her place in a heartbeat if they could of.” He looks over his shoulder to me, with enough calm in his eyes to douse the fire spreading through me. And when I close my eyes, it's Hayley’s face I see looking back at me.

I fucking miss that girl.

“I got my people, Clunk. I got my family. You don’t got fuck all.” Prez shocks both me and Brax when he turns his back on the man and walks toward us.

“He’s all yours, kid.” He smacks me hard on the shoulder, and we both ignore the tears glazing each other’s eyes as he takes his seat again.
