Page 20 of Damaged Soul

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Forestbank Care Home.

Grimm must be here to visit someone, and I really want to know who it is.

It’s not like I can just ask him when he comes home, me owning up to being desperate enough to follow him isn’t gonna happen. Besides, even if I did, I doubt he’d tell me.

There’s only one option if I want to find out. I’ll have to go undercover.

With Skid away, and me being stuck at the club, a little project to keep me occupied will do me some good. So I make a mental note of the time, before going back to the car and heading back to Manitou Springs.

I stop off at the drive-and-buy to pick up some chicken for dinner. Cooking’s never something I made a lot of effort with. I always figured it was kinda pointless cooking for one. But just lately, cooking for Grimm has given me fulfillment.

I kinda like how it feels to take care of him.

Instead of rushing back to the club, I decide to take advantage of my freedom and stop off at my place to get some fresh clothes. The smell of fresh paint hits me as soon as I open the door, and when I look around there isn’t a single trace of what happened here a few days ago.

I guess Grimm really is as good as they say he is.

New carpets have been laid, and the place has been left immaculately clean. He’s even done the dishes that had been left in the sink that morning. It makes me wonder how long it’ll be before I get to come home. I’d never admit it to anyone other than myself, but I understand why Skid wants to be cautious. That being said, I still don’t think he gives me enough credit. I’m nothing like the other girls he knows. He should realize that by now.

I’ve been through enough to know how to take care of myself.

Shoving some clean jeans and a few shirts into a bag, I pick out a few more sets of matching underwear to taunt Grimm with, and then I leave.

I don’t know why I’m so attached to the house. The place holds nothing but horrific memories for me. But this little bungalow on Oakwood Terrace feels like a part of me. We’ve been through a lot together, and yet here we are, still standing strong.

Grimm’s new carpets and the fresh paint on the walls may cover the surface damage. Same as my fake smiles and callous attitude does.

But under that surface, we’re dry rot, irrepairable, and decaying from the inside out.

I’ve never left this place because I want them to know where they can find me, just like Eddie did. I want them to see the same person that everyone else does. A strong girl who is full of fight and takes no shit. I want them to see for themselves that each one of them got me wrong.

Evangeline, the weak little girl, doesn't exist anymore.

Rogue is tough.

Rogue got her life straight.

No one fucks with her, and no one can hurt her.

These walls may be clean now but I still see the stains on them. They’re marked in my memories and there isn’t anything Grimm can do to clear that up.

I don't know if I’d want him to… those memories are what feed my strength.

Locking the door behind me, I head back to the club and somehow manage to drive up to the cabins without anyone in the yard seeing me.

It’s still only 1pm, so after parking Skid’s car back where I found it, I decide to head down to the garage and do some work.

Jessie and Troj are both here working when I arrive.

Jessie’s a natural mechanic, he started off the same as I did, hanging out at the garage every moment he could and watching Skid and Chop work.

Now, without Skid here, I know I wouldn’t be coping without him.

Troj, on the other hand… Well, he looks good in the overalls. Today he’s excelling the shit out of that with his long hair tied up and the top half of his overalls rolled down and wrapped around his waist. It’s mild outside but the temperature in the workshop is high, making his skin glisten with sweat, and the white tank he’s wearing is providing some serious arm porn.

A person could underestimate Troj, he isn’t the biggest guy around here and he’s got a real pretty face, but I’ve seen the guy fight and know the damage he can do.

Between him and Jessie, they seem to have everything under control, but I get in my overalls and get my hands dirty anyway. Distracting myself for a few hours isn’t gonna do me any harm.
