Page 26 of Damaged Soul

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We team it up with some black pumps, and when we’re done, I barely recognize the reflection that stares back at me in Maddy’s bedroom mirror.

“You look great. I think Grimm will really like it.” She stands back and admires me proudly.

“This ain't for Grimm,” I snap.

“Sure.” She holds up her hands defensively. “You keep that one if you like, I hardly ever wear it.”

“Appreciate that.” I nod at her. “I should get going.” I try recreating the grateful smile I’d watched her exchange with Ella outside the garage a few days ago after she’d picked her up some milk on a trip to the store. Then I move quickly toward the front door, ready for phase two of my plan.

“Rogue,” Maddy calls out after me, and when I spin around to face her I notice that she’s suddenly looking serious.

“People around here want to help you. If you know who those guys are you should tell us. It’s what Skid would want.”

“I don’t know who those men are,” I tell her once again. Keeping my face straight and hiding the repulsion I feel when I think about their faces.

“If you ever get lonely, just call by.” Maddy seems to accept my answer as she waves me off.

“I don’t get lonely,” I assure her.

Back at Grimm’s, I go straight to the bathroom and do my best attempt to recreate the cute plaits that Maddy sometimes styles her hair into, and I go a lot less heavy on the eyeliner when I do my makeup.

The plan is to go back to the care home that I followed Grimm to last week, and sweet little Maddy a few doors down is the character I’m gonna play to get the information I need.

When I’m ready to leave, I take a quick glance out the window to make sure no one is around, before walking out onto the yard. Then I hop inside Skid’s car and start the engine.

I buzz with adrenaline as I drive past the clubhouse. Something is thrilling about breaking rules, but it's a little underwhelming when I figure I have nothing to worry about, the yard is dead. There aren’t any bikes parked outside the clubhouse, and I’ve hung around here long enough to know that means shit is going down somewhere.

I arrive at the care home a little while later and park on the gravel beside all the other cars. Checking myself in the visor mirror, I rehearse that wholesome, friendly, Maddy smile one last time before I get out of the car and make my way inside.

The foyer isn’t what I expect. Much more like the reception of a swanky hotel than a care home. Not that I’ve ever been to any I can compare it to, but I’ve seen plenty on TV. There are elaborate fresh flowers arranged in antique-looking vases, and the marble floor is polished so shiny that I worry I might slip.

When I approach the mahogany desk, a man wearing a white tunic smiles me a warm greeting.

“Morning, can I help you?”

I hadn’t quite thought this part of the plan through, I have no idea if the visitor log is computerized or handwritten. My eyes quickly scan the desk and when I notice the thick leather-bound book with a black fountain pen laid beside it, all my prayers are answered.

“I’ll just sign myself in, shall I?” I respond as if I’m familiar with the procedure. The book is open on today’s date, ready for the next visitor’s signature. Tunic guy doesn’t question me, and as I reach forward, I purposely flick the book off the edge of the desk so it falls to the floor.

“Oops,” I giggle, crouching down out of sight to retrieve it. I work fast, flicking back a few pages to Sunday’s date. My fingers and eyes scrolling down the page to the time Grimm had visited. There’s a squiggle for a signature that matches beside the name Anita Carter.

It’s all the information I need for now. I could leave, go back to the club and do some research on my phone. It would be easy enough to manipulate Maddy into helping me. She’s apparently good at this kinda shit.

Instead, I place the book neatly back on the desk and find today’s page again. Then treating the man behind the desk to another smile borrowed from Maddy, I pick up the pen and write Anita Carter in the patient box, then sign my name beside it.

My real name…

The man in the tunic nods his head like he’s expecting me to move along, but I have no idea where I’m going.

“It’s been a while since I last visited,” I laugh flirtatiously and lick my lips at him. It gets ‘em every time.

“Anita’s still here on the ground floor. Room 3, just down the corridor to the left.” He directs me with his hand, and knowing that what I’m about to do is a terrible idea, I thank him and make my way toward the room.

Standing in front of the door before I enter, I give myself a chance to back out. I have no idea who will be on the other side of this door, No plan. This could potentially go horribly wrong. But curiosity gets the better of me and I quickly tap my knuckles against the dark wood before I change my mind.

Whoever is behind this door must be important to Grimm, and for that reason, I want to meet them. When no one answers, I slowly push the door open and peep my head around it.

The room isn’t too shabby, there’s a crystal chandelier hanging from the center of the high ceiling. A huge king-size bed on one side of the room and a comfortable-looking couch in front of a large flat screen TV on the other. The sound of water comes from a door a few meters away and it starts to open.
