Page 82 of Damaged Soul

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“And here was me thinking you were fearless.” He chuckles at me like he’s letting me in on a private joke.

“I gotta get goin’.” Faking him a smile I attempt to pass him, but his huge hand blocks me, meeting with my chest and slamming me hard into the metal behind me.

“You ain't goin' nowhere. You see, I’ve been talkin' to some folk.” One of his thick fingers twists itself around a few strands of my hair, and my stomach threatens to empty. “Turns out you ain’t quite the helpless little innocent my brother thinks you are,” he sniggers.

“I don’t know who you been talkin’ to, Chop, but you got me all wrong.” I do my best not to show him any fear, assholes like him feed off that kinda shit.

“Eddie,” he whispers the name, hitting me with more liquor-laced fumes as he speaks against my cheek. Just the sound of his name makes me shudder, and Chop’s reaction proves he knows it, the gruesome smirk he watches me with tells it all.

“Turns out all these years I’ve been missing out on something.”

I shove his body as hard as I can, just about managing to jerk him away. I try not to panic as I rush toward the exit. The shutters are down but they aren’t locked, and though it’s heavy I know I’ll find the strength to lift it if it means getting away.

But I don’t get far enough away from him to worry about that, Chop's forceful arm wraps around my waist, wrenching me back onto him, and his breath is hot against my ear as he speaks.

“I’ll make this real quick for ya, Rogue.” He lifts my body from the ground as if I’m weightless, and I use every attempt I can to get away.

When I scream he silences me, squashing my lips and cheeks in his sour-tasting palm. I fight like hell, my elbows jabbing his body and my legs kicking. Yet he still manages to maneuver me like a ragdoll, forcing the front of my body over the hood of the Sedan that I’ve been working on for most of the day.

His belt rattles and his low desperate grunts muffle into my hair as I feel his cock hit against my back.

“You think you got me and my bitch brother wrapped right around your pretty little finger, don’t ya?” He forces the jeans off my hips with his free hand, pressing his body hard into my back. His weight crushes me into the car, and tears pinch between my eyes when I feel him hard and strained pushing against my entrance.

“You may have him fooled, but I see ya for exactly for what you are… Slut.” His warm, wet tongue slides over my cheek, and when I fidget to get away from it, his cock presses even tighter against me.

My stomach clenches as he pushes a little more of himself inside me, a low moan of relief escaping from his throat as he invades.

“Please stop,” I whisper, already feeling all my strength draining from my body. This can’t be happening, not here, not when this has been my safe place for so long.

Chop ignores me, rutting me hard against the car, the grill on the front chassis digging deeper into my shins with each thrust he forces inside me.

The pain is unbearable and when my body refuses to respond to him, Chop spits into his palm and rubs his saliva between my legs.

I refuse to release my screams for him, I’d sooner choke to death on them before I give him the thrill of my terror.

I count each thrust, willing for him to burn out, and it feels like hours before his body finally stiffens and his massive hand grips at my hip, squeezing into my skin as he empties himself.

Released from his hold I topple forward, my cheek resting against the cool metal of the hood while my breath comes back to me.

Chop flops out of me, and I feel a tiny sense of relief when I hear what sounds a lot like a condom snapping off his dick.

I gasp when I feel his hands back on me, reaching around and grabbing at my throat before spinning me to face him.

“Don’t think for one minute you got me in the palm of that pretty little hand, Evangeline.” He smiles at me cruelly, letting me go and taking a step back. My legs fail to hold me, and I slide off the car landing in a heap on my ass. Chop tosses the filthy used condom at me and it lands between my legs.

“Best we don’t tell Skid about our little secret, darlin’. Hell, if that fucker gives up on ya, you ain't got nothin’ left.” His words are harsh, and the fact they’re accurate feels like acid eroding through my chest.

Chop makes his way to the door, rolling it up just enough for him to duck underneath. I pray for the thing to fall down and crush him for what he’s done to me, for making me feel like this again after feeling freedom for so long.

“Oh, I almost forgot…” He pokes his head back under, giving me a glimpse of evil one last time before he leaves.

“Happy Birthday, Rogue,” he sneers.

I don’t know how long I sit on that floor, staring at the discarded condom as it leaks out onto the concrete. My limbs are sore, my skin bruised and the inside of me empty of anything other than hate.

I think about running, of never coming back here. But the fact that it’s exactly what Chop wants gives me the determination not to. For what he’s just done to me, I’m prepared to make it my life’s work to make sure that I stay.

Eventually, the feeling finally comes back to my legs, and my head stops spinning. I scramble onto my feet, grabbing my purse and trying to ignore the raw feeling between my legs as I hobble toward my car.
