Page 18 of His Sacrifice

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I can’t imagine the state my mother will be in.

“Have Sal and Niko prepare the car, I need you to stay here with the girl to make sure she doesn’t go anywhere.”

“Given the circumstances, shouldn’t I come with you too? You could need extra protection,” Ludo points out.

“No, I need you to stay here and make sure the girl doesn’t leave. I’ll be fine with Sal.” I pull open the top drawer of my desk and take out an extra gun, sliding it into the spare holder in the shoulder harness I’m already wearing. Ludo heads off to get Sal, while I button up my jacket and step back out to Evelyn.

“Is everything okay?” She looks worried when she sees me. I guess I don’t hide my emotions as well as I think I do.

“It’s my brother, he’s been taken to hospital.” Somehow, I manage to get the words out, despite all the anger burning inside me. Whoever is responsible for this is going to pay. Not just for what they did to my brother, but for pulling me away from her.

“Rhett? what happened?” The look of worry on her face is genuine. Evelyn is the same age as my brother, they were in the same school grade, and I know they grew closer after I left for Sicily. He took great pride in telling me that.

“I don’t know yet, but it means I have to leave.”

“I understand. I’ll get a cab home.” She starts to feel around in her pocket for her cell phone. She won’t find it because I have it.

“No, you will stay here,” I order, I don’t have the time or the patience for her to argue. I’ll tie the girl to my desk chair if I have to.


I grab her head in both my hands and force her to look at me again. “This is happening,” I warn. There’s no way in hell she’s getting away from me now.

“Write a list of what you need to spend the night and I’ll have someone arrange it for you.”

“Raoul, I really think—” I shut her up with my mouth, kissing her lips firmly and tasting between them with my tongue.

“You will learn fast, that arguing with me is pointless.” I pull away. “Make that list, and make sure you are waiting for me here when I get home. Call me if you have any problems.” I pull her phone out of my pocket and press it into her hand, I’ve already stored my number in her contacts.

I leave her in Ludo's care, rushing through the house, and getting into the back of the car that immediately leaves for the hospital. First, I have to check my brother's okay, and then I will find out who I’m gonna have to make pay for what's happened.

I head straight to the private wing of the hospital and when I get to the family room, I find Mother and Father both waiting.

“What happened?” I ask, trying to tamp down all the fury inside me for the sake of my mother. “And who the fuck is she?” I look at the skinny little whore sitting on the other side of the room, wrapped up in what looks like a hospital blanket.

“She was with your brother when it happened.” Mother smiles at her, then looks back at me awkwardly.

“Guy came out of nowhere and stabbed him in the back,” the girl tells me, looking like she’s in shock. She’s covered in blood, and all I can do is hope that not all of it belongs to Rhett.

“Who, who fucking did this?” I grab the girl by her shoulders and shake her out of her trance, maybe it’s drugs that's making her so vacant. “Tell me right the fuck now,” I yell at her.

“Raoul!” Mother intervenes, reminding me of where we are, and the fact I’m handling a woman. But I need answers, whoever is responsible for this is on borrowed fucking time.

“I don’t know, me and Rhett, we were…” Her eyes glance over to my mother and father nervously.

“I get what you were doing,” I rush her to the point.

“He came out of nowhere, and it was dark. He just burst into the room, and the next thing I felt was Rhett bleeding on top of me.”

“When he spoke, did he have an accent?” Father asks, every bit as desperate as I am to get to the bottom of this.

“He didn’t speak, he just came in, attacked then left.” The girl is shaking like a leaf, and Father quickly urges Mother to comfort her. He looks tired and stressed, it’s starting to show that he’s getting too old for this, but I know there’s no way he’s gonna step down until I put a ring on Quinn’s daughter's finger.

It’s hours before a doctor finally comes into the room to give us an update. “Mr. Burlusconi?” he calls out when he opens the door.

“Yes.” Me and my father both stand up at the same time.

“Rhett has come around, he’s asking for his brother. He’s lost a lot of blood but thankfully there was no damage to any internal organs. He’s been very lucky.”
