Page 52 of Untamed Soul

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I race up onto my feet, trying to force my cock back inside my jeans as I chase out after her.

“Who’s cunt struck now?” Grimm sniggers as I pass him, and I retaliate by flipping him the bird over my shoulder, then power through the double doors, finally catching up with Alex.

“Stop,” I shout out, slamming my hand over the roof of a car I don’t recognize to cage her in. She fiddles with the keys trying to unlock the door, then stops, takes a long sharp breath, and eventually spins around to confront me.

“You are unbelievable.” She slams me hard in the chest, forcing me away from her.

“What…What have I done?” I answer her back, wondering why my voice is coming out so high-pitched, and why the hell I’m even out here. She was the one who just hours ago, made it clear how things were between us.

“And to think I actually came here because I thought we could work together.” She looks up to the black sky and laughs at herself mockingly.

“Alex, I was… you said…”

“Your cock’s barely dry from fucking me against my front door,” she yells back, confusing the shit out of me. How the fuck my brothers can actually maintain relationships is actually beyond me.

“I don’t see what your problem is, you made it clear earlier that me and you are just sex. You don’t get to come here and throw a tit fit because you catch me getting my dick sucked.”

“I was gonna trust you,” she tells me quietly, so quietly that I wonder if she actually intended for me to hear her.

“Alex,” I soften my voice, despite the rage inside me. The nerve of this woman puts fucking fire in my blood. “You're overreacting. Maybe you're working too hard, focusing too much on all this Hawker shit. Take a break. Come in for a drink. I can give you a ride home if you want,” I offer, and it’s way more than she deserves for showing up at my club and making a scene like this. I should be telling her to fuck off and make her leave. I just can’t understand why that doesn’t seem like an option right now.

“I’m not working too hard… I’m…” she moans in frustration.

“I’m fucking jealous…” The words blurt out of her mouth and knock me fuckin’ sideways. “…I don’t know why, and yes, it’s pathetic but…”

I shut her up by kissing her so hard that I take all the words off her tongue and swallow them up so they’ll never be said.

I didn’t know it until right this second, but it’s everything I’ve wanted to hear since she’s been in town. I’m not falling victim to any of this bullshit though. No, not me. I’ll never change who I am. Not for anyone.

When I pull away from her, she takes the last bit of shock out of me when her palm swiftly stings my jaw.

“What the fuck was that for?” I stroke my cheek as she moans in frustration.

“I shouldn’t have come here.” Turning away from me, she manages to open the car door, and when she gets in the driver’s seat, I block her from closing the door on me.

“Let me go, Squealer,” she warns, staring at the wheel and refusing to make eye contact with me. The urge to rip her out of the damn thing and swing her over my shoulder makes me slam my fist so hard into the roof I make a dent in it.

“Tell me why you came here tonight,” I order, resisting her attempts to close the door and shut me out. She stops struggling and finally looks up to me with those angry green eyes that do seriously bad things to me.

“Fine,” she sighs in defeat, reaching into her back pocket and pulling out a scrap piece of paper.

“That amazing job you and your club are doing keeping the streets clean isn't quite as effective as you're giving yourself credit for. Someone’s dealing crank to kids. They've been using up at the woodland on Foresters Hill.” I snatch at the piece of paper she’s holding up at me. There’s the address and basic descriptions of the kids. “All of them are young lads in their early teens. I thought maybe I’d try dealing with it your way. Since whoever’s dealing to these kids deserves a harder lesson than a few months in county. But I can see you got a lot on your hands right now, Squealer.” This is something… but I sense it ain’t everything. There's so much more to her being here.

Alex uses my shock as a weakness and yanks the door closed, starting the engine and shifting the car into reverse. And as she skids away, leaving muddy tire marks in the wet ground, all I can think about is that look of disappointment I saw on her face, and the fact I just lost whatever it was she really came here to give up to me.

What’s happening here? In what world does Cody Harrison give up a blow job and chase after a woman? And why do I want to get on my bike and keep chasing her until she tells me the real reason she came here tonight?

“I’m fucking jealous.” I replay her moment of weakness over and over in my head as I stand out in the rain and let it soak through my clothes. The paper in my hand starts to get wet, and I turn around and drag myself back in the clubhouse to face the hell I’m gonna get for running out after her the way I did.

“You might wanna let that cool off a little before you attempt any form of apology.” I notice Brax leaning against the entrance door frame, smoking a cigarette and watching the rain.

“Got nothing to apologize for,” I huff as I go to pass him.

“Then why chase after her?” he asks, tapping me on the shoulder and making my feet stand still. He doesn’t wait for an answer, and I don’t follow him in. I take the position he was in instead, watching the rain pour off the roof, forming puddles in the yard, and I let realization set in.

Something is happening, no matter how hard I try to deny it to them or to myself. Alex Monroe has got me breaking all the rules, and whether that be a good or bad thing. I know the horrible feeling I got in my gut ain’t going nowhere until I make things right with her.

I’m disturbed from my sleep, the front door sounding like it’s about to come through from how hard it’s being hit. I open my eyes and check the clock beside my bed. It’s 10am and my day off. I was really hoping for a lie-in.
