Page 53 of Untamed Soul

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Pulling on my robe, I head toward the front door, probably looking like a wreck. I didn't come straight home after I left the club. I returned Lucille’s car to her place after making a fool of myself with Squealer, and I decided to forget myself for a while. I ended up having a few drinks in the bar across from her apartment before I took a cab ride home.


“Alright, I’m coming,” I snap, swinging the door open and staring wide when I realize who's standing on the other side of it.

“Squealer,” I say his name without hiding my shock, and he looks back at me with that hot as sin grin.

“Brought you coffee.” He waves the takeaway cup from the deli in town under my nose. It smells strong, and I immediately crave the caffeine.

“And donuts,” he adds, pulling a box from behind his back and holding them between us. “Because… well, you're a cop.”

Despite trying not to, I laugh. The dopey look on his face, teamed up with the cliche is too much to take him seriously.

“This your version of an apology?” I snatch the box of donuts out of his hand and head inside, leaving the door open for him to follow.

It’s unnerving that I feel relieved when he does, and I make sure my robe is covering me as I take a seat at my kitchen table and open up the box.

“Firstly, you should know that I never apologize,” he starts, standing awkwardly on the other side of the table.

“But in this case, you’re making an exception.” I look up from the selection of tasty treats, expectantly.

“This ain’t an apology, it’s a peace offering.” He helps himself to a donut from the box and makes half of it disappear in one bite.

“Well, since we’re on the subject.” I take a deep breath and prepare to eat humble pie. “I should apologize for last night. I was being sensitive, and you were right. I overreacted.” I shrug my shoulders and hope he’s not gonna make a big deal out of it.

Squealer’s eyes stretch almost as wide as the smug grin on his face.

“Did I just hear you right?” he checks.

“Yes, you heard right. I know what this is, Squealer. You can do what the hell you like. It’s not my business. Finding out about the kids and the drugs got to me yesterday. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. It won’t happen again,” I admit, starting to get mad at myself again. I’ll bet the son of a bitch is loving this.

“Well, I was kinda here to tell ya…” he scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. “That’s if the getting with other bitches thing bothers ya… Nah, it’s stupid. Forget it.”

“Forget what?” I urge him to continue, taking a little pleasure in his sudden embarrassment.

“I was gonna say. If you wanted me to stop, just while me and you are, ya know…”

“What?” I prolong his agony a little more.

“Whatever this is.” He wags his finger between us, getting agitated.

“You want to be exclusive?” I check, trying not to laugh. How has it come to this?

“Well, you clearly had an issue with me getting noshed last night,” he’s really agitated now. Cody Harrison can dish it out, but he doesn't like to be mocked himself. “Jesus, Alex, I don't know what you want from me. You say this doesn't mean anything, but then you get your panties in a twist over a fucking blow job.” He scrubs his face in frustration.

“Oh, and it’s okay for you to sabotage my dates?” I point out, then watch his mouth try and form words to defend himself.

“Look, I didn’t come here to fight. I put a suggestion on the table to try and make this easier on us.” He throws his arms up in the air in defeat, and when it looks like he’s gonna leave, I panic.

“I don’t like to share, okay? There, I said it,” I admit before he turns his back on me. “And if we’re being honest with each other, I don't think you do either. So maybe you're right. While we can’t seem to keep our hands off each other, maybe we should be keeping them off anyone else,” I rant back, and when I’m finished I realize all the frustration’s missing from his face, and he’s smiling at me.

“You just had to say so, darlin’.” He moves toward me, taking my hand and pulling me up from the table, then he takes me completely by surprise when his hand slides up to my face to caress my cheek.

“You wanna seal the deal? Kinda like a pinkie promise for fuck buds.” He crooks an eyebrow at me.

“So we’re fuck buddies now?”

“We don’t have to put a label on anything. You like to fuck me, and I can't blame you for that. So for the time that you're here, while you and me are passing time together, I’ll lay off the other chicks.” His soft, almost romantic tone does a good job of disguising the words he speaks, and it makes me wonder if this is the best a woman will ever get out of a man like him.
