Page 10 of Tortured Soul

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“Our source is sure that Riley is being put up as lot number 5, but that could change, so you need to be observant. Study these photos, and memorize them. They may have changed details like her hair color.” Prez picks up a bunch of pictures from the table. Photos of a young, happy girl with copper-colored hair. “Of course, she's gonna be older now, but Storm says we’ll be able to confirm it’s her from a birthmark on the top of her left thigh.

I nod, so he knows I got it, and pick up the photos.

“We’re gonna have to be careful with the wires. I’m assuming security will bug check,” Alex adds. “So, you’re gonna have to wear this,” she holds out her finger and shows me the tiny device on the end of it.

“We’ll place it in your ear so you can hear us, and there’s a micro cam built into the suit. Both should go undetected. We checked it with our scanner.”

Hell knows where they’re getting this shit from, but the girls seem to know what they’re talking about. I trust them.

“You sure you’re good with this, Screw?” Jessie checks, and I give him a look that tells him I am so not good with this, but what’s the alternative? If we send Squealer in, he’s guaranteed to be shot at. If we send no one in, Storm misses out on an opportunity to save his sister.

“We’ll be parked not far away in one of the cages. Mads will set it up with monitors so we can see what you see. Everything should go to plan, just as long as you keep your cool,” Prez warns.

“Who's gonna control the equipment from the cage?” Jessie asks a very valid question.

“Our girl here,” Prez smiles at a suddenly shocked-looking Maddy.

“You mean I get to come?” The thought puts an instant smile on the girl's face.

“No, you don't!” Jessie answers her question sharply, and her smile fades. He’s up on his feet now. His attention flipped from her to Prez.

“You’ve been snorting too much of that Mexican shit if you think I’m letting her go on a job.” Jessie must be forgetting who he’s talking to because no one talks to Prez like that, not even him. But Prez surprises me by laughing.

“Pack a bag, darlin’. You’re taking a field trip.” He looks around the barrier Jessie’s made between him and Maddy and winks at her playfully.

“She can show me how to work the shit, and I’ll do it,” Jessie’s still not having it.

“No offense, VP, but it’s not quite that simple. You’re gonna need to hack whatever security system they have in place. Then transmit our radio signals to Screwy through a different frequency. You know how to do that?” Maddy interrupts him. And I see the irritation tense his whole body.

“She’s got to come, Jess. There's no other option.” Prez shrugs.

“Well then, so do I,” Jessie tells Prez firmly, crossing his arms over his chest.

I don’t miss the slight smile it stirs outta Maddy.

“Done,” Prez agrees. “Screw, go take a shower, get suited up, and get yourself ready. We’ll go over the details again on the way there.

“Thanks for the help, girls. You're gonna do real well with this new business.” On that, Prez leaves, and the high-pitched squeal Maddy makes after he’s shut the door makes my ears ring.

“I can't believe I get to go on a job. Do I get a gu—”

“No,” Jessie answers her before she’s finished the sentence. “I’m not fuckin’ happy about this,” he warns her before heading out after Prez.

“You could stay, help us get Screw ready. I can make you something to eat,” Maddy calls out after him, suddenly sounding shy. Me and Alex share an awkward look while we wait for his response.

“I got to get ready myself,” he answers, pulling the door open. Maddy races toward him, placing her hand over his where it rests on the handle.

“Hey, you're coming too. I couldn't be any safer,” Maddy whispers. She’s got so much hope in her expression, and I just know my VP’s gonna squash it. He’s been acting edgy ever since he’s been back. He nods his head at her coldly, and she backs away from him with tears filling her eyes.

She’s been trying real hard to act like she’s okay, but inside, she’s breaking. I may not say shit, but that don't mean I ain't observing.

“Go get some rest, Screw, we’ll see you in a few hours,” Alex tells me, throwing me a lifeline and excusing me from this fucking mess of a situation.

She don’t have to tell me twice.

There’s a knock on my cabin door a few hours later, and before I can get up to open it, Squealer lets himself in.

“You ready for the big rescue mission?” He helps himself to a beer from my refrigerator.
