Page 113 of Tortured Soul

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“Sure, count me in,” she answers back in a fluster.

“Absolutely not!” I step in before this gets out of hand. “Alex, you are not in. You’re staying right here and trying to get hold of the guys.”

“She’s right. You really can’t go.” Grace’s eyes look down at Alex’s swollen stomach. “I’ll go through. I know how to shoot. Brax likes taking me hunting, and he taught me how to skin a rabbit the other week.” She smiles proudly.

“How romantic.” Rogue rolls her eyes. “You’re a welcome addition to the troupe, Grace. I’m sure if we run into trouble, you’ll talk our asses out of danger. If not, you can skin them,” she winks.

“I can’t do it,” Ella speaks up, her hands stroking through her little girl’s golden locks. “I’m sorry, and I feel awful for Lydia. I want to help, but I can’t risk anything bad happening to me. I’ve got to think of them.” She looks disappointed in herself, and Shaniya immediately swoops in to comfort her.

“You’re right, Ella. You’re a Mama. You should stay here and keep them safe.” Shaniya puts her arm around her for comfort.

“So that just leaves you, Maddy. You in, or are you out?” Rogue stares across the room at me daringly.

“I’m in,” I tell her without hesitation. There’s no way I can sit here and do nothing. I’ve lost too many friends to risk losing another. Rogue nods back at me, almost like she’s impressed, before turning her attention back to Grace.

“Brax must have weapons here. Where are they?” she asks.

“He keeps a stash locked in the garage. I’ll go get them.” Grace quickly gets to work.

“Alex, when you get hold of the boys…” I find a piece of paper and jot down the address. “Tell them to meet us there.” I hand it over to her and then take a moment to gather myself.

Are we really doing this? It’s crazy, it’s dangerous, but I see no other option. Crude as she is, Rogue is right. These men are savages, and all this is my fault.

I should have done more research and noted the little things that didn't add up. Lydia is in danger because of me, and I’ll do everything I can to get her out of it.

“You know they’re gonna be mad, right? Like, furious mad,” Ella points out.

“Yeah,” I nod back at her. “But they’ll get over it. This is the kind of thing they do for each other every day. Lydia is one of us, and she needs us. Verretti won’t be expecting an attack where he is. If his plan is to take the club, here is where all his men will be heading.”

Grace barges back through the door carrying an armory of different-sized weapons.

“I don’t know how to shoot,” Shaniya stares at the handgun Grace hands out to her.

“Give her the pistol,” Rogue tells Grace. “It’s a simple point and shoot, just don’t point it at any of us,” she explains to Shaniya.

“I do know how to use one of those,” Shaniya points to the wall behind me, and when I turn around, I see she’s looking at the crossbow that’s hung above the fireplace. “We had one for hunting on the reservation. Tawk taught me how to use it when we were younger. I’m a pretty good shot.” I move to the wall and lift it off the hooks.

“Stick to what you know.” I shrug, taking the gun from her hand and replacing it with the crossbow.

I look at the selection of weapons Grace’s laid out on the table and arm myself with a handgun and an AK like Rogue’s. I pull the strap over my shoulder and wear it the same way she wears hers, trying to ignore the nerves in my stomach.

“Finally, a Maddy Summers I can be on board with,” Rogue says, and this time, it’s my turn to fake a smile at her.

“Are we ready, bitches?” she asks one last time before we all move toward the door.

“Take care, and be safe,” Ella calls out after us, holding Duke back by his collar. He can sense something’s wrong and is refusing to leave Grace’s side.

“I’ll keep trying the boys,” Alex assures me, looking helpless. “Just be careful.”

“I’m driving,” I tell Rogue as we head towards the cage we arrived in. “Whatever you say, Boss.” She surprises me when she doesn’t protest, moving toward the passenger door.

I jump in the driver’s seat, and when she hops in beside me, she takes a tiny vial from the pocket of her jacket. I watch her tap out a neat little line of white powder across the side of her hand before hovering it up with a long sniff and a satisfied sigh.

“Sorry, darlin’, you want some rocket fuel too?” She blinks up at me innocently, and I shake my head before turning the ignition.

“So tell me, Little Miss Sunshine, you ever killed before?” she asks as we pull away from Grace’s cabin and start to head down the narrow windy track that leads to the main road.

I don’t answer her. I’m too busy swallowing my nerves when it crosses my mind that I might actually have to kill someone today.
