Page 34 of Stolen Soul

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I leave him there and head for the shower, wincing as I step toward the bathroom. The sting between my legs is a reminder of last night and how it felt to have him inside me. I’ve never known a pain like it. One that is craved for after it’s over. But nothing about this makes any sense. Last night felt special. Rafe was so intense, and the way he looked at me while he was inside me made me feel… treasured.

Something must have changed between us for him to want to spend the night with me. But I won’t allow myself to assume. Rafe is a complicated man. I’m sure there will be a good reason for it.

I shower and brush my teeth before wrapping up in a towel and heading back to the bedroom. Rafe is still in my bed, only now he’s sitting up against the headboard with his dark eyes assessing me.

“Morning.” I try not to smile too wildly. I can’t read his mood just yet but I like how he looks, waiting for me in my bed.

“How are you feeling?” His eyes drop between my legs, and I feel them there like a laser.

“Sore,” I answer, a little too bluntly. And he must get a sick kick out of that fact because he smiles back at me.

“Come here,” Rafe raises his chin at me, and I secure the towel around my chest before I do as he requests. Climbing onto the bottom of the bed and slowly crawling up his body.

His lips rub together as I rest my thighs on either side of his waist, and slowly he peels open my towel and exposes my body. He studies me intently while both his hands gently push up my thighs, diverting from my bare pussy to move over my hips. His fingertips heat up my skin as they travel up over my stomach and rest over my tits so he can squeeze me in his palms.

I moan because his touch makes my lips desperate for him, and my pussy—despite feeling sensitive—craves his attention.

“What am I to do with you, Riley Hayes?” he asks, tilting his head as one hand shifts up over my neck to caress my face. While his other hand continues to knead at my breast, rolling my nipple between his fingers and making me ache inside.

I wait for him to reveal the answer to his own question, but instead of his voice, I hear the sound of the door clicking open.

“Oh, lord have mercy,” Sylvia screeches, and I quickly dive off Rafe’s body and pull the covers over myself.

Somehow, the old woman manages to keep hold of the tray she’s carrying. And while I blush and fluster, gathering more covers, Rafe doesn’t seem at all phased by the intrusion.

“I didn’t realize you would be taking your breakfast up here too,” Sylvia pulls herself together as she places the tray on my bedside table.

“I’m not. I have a meeting with Gioele in…” Rafe looks over his left shoulder to check the bedside clock. “Twenty minutes.”

I freeze when he then leans across my body and helps himself to one of the pastries from my tray and when he smacks a kiss on my cheek before popping it in his mouth, both me and Sylvia drop our jaws in shock.

Rafe gets out of bed, still unfazed by Sylvia's presence, as he walks ass-naked into the bathroom, almost causing the old woman’s eyes to fall out of her head.

She looks at me as if she expects me to say something, but all I manage is an awkward shrug.

“I take it your conversation went well last night.” She clears her throat and smiles while I dig into the delicious bagel she’s made for me.

“There wasn’t much of a conversation,” I admit honestly. Then regret the words instantly when her whole face stretches. “I didn’t mean… it’s still complicated.” I sigh because I’m pretty sure everything I ever read about on that problem page was right.

“I’m sure things will become clearer.” Sylvia smiles, emptying my washing basket before she leaves.

I finish my breakfast and wait for Rafe to come out of the shower. When he does, he looks incredibly sexy, his hair is wet and unruly, and his body is covered in tiny droplets of water. I watch his arm muscles flex as he uses a smaller towel to rub his hair dry. It’s far too easy to forget the fuck up of a situation I’m in when the view is this good.

“It’s rude to stare,” he informs me, tossing the wet towel in his hand at the bed and coming to stand beside me. Dragging the covers off my body, he pulls me up so I’m standing on my knees, and my eyes are level with his.

“I have to get dressed and meet with Gioele, but when I’m finished, we have to talk.”

Instantly, I’m intrigued.

“Talk about what?”

“I have a proposition for you.” He trails his thumb over my lips, his eyes staring at it like he wants to assault it.

“Get some more rest. I’ll have Sylvia serve us lunch on the lawn at noon.”

“You’re not gonna…?” I swallow nervously and look between our bodies. His lower half is still wrapped in a towel, but I can see that he’s hard beneath it.

“Ten minutes wouldn’t be enough time for the things I want to do to you,” he tells me, his finger drawing a line over my jaw that trails under my chin and down to my neck. When it drops lower, the circle he draws around my nipple makes my pussy jump to life.
