Page 8 of Stolen Soul

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“Well, whatever it is, you better get it over with before my brother finds out who has me and kills you all.” Her warning is so passionate that I’m certain she believes the words herself.

Lifting my shoulders, I pout at her pathetic little threat. I have no idea who her brother is. I don’t fucking care, either. It’s unlikely he will discover where she is or ever see her again.

“Is your room okay?” I move the conversation on. The fact her thighs are almost fully on display to me is far too distracting.

“Much better than my last accommodation,” she answers flatly, with the tiniest hint of a smirk on her lips.

Sarcasm, I like it.

“You will find things very different here,” I assure her, picking up a cheese knife and cutting off a corner from the Brie.

She licks her lips hungrily as I press the point of the knife into the soft cheese and bring it to my mouth.

“You mean you don’t rape children?” Her words turn the creamy texture sour in my mouth, and I swallow it down heavily, resisting the urge to take her over my knee and thrash her for making such accusations.

“No, Riley. I don’t hurt children.” Somehow, I manage to answer her calmly.

“And what about me? Are you gonna hurt me?” There’s a slither of fear in her voice that makes the skin on my back tingle.

And I contemplate that thought for a while…

I’ll bet she looks beautiful when she cries.

“Not unless you give me a reason to.” I’ll make her no promises nor give her false hope, and suddenly she doesn’t look quite so confident. Her fingers stroke over the cross around her neck as she raises her chest in a long, drawn-out breath.

“So what do you do?” she asks, no longer interested in the food anymore.

I have the overwhelming urge to lie to her, like her opinion of me actually fucking matters.

“I buy things, I improve them, and then I sell them for a profit.” I take another sip of my drink and watch the way she nods, satisfied by my answer.

“Property?” she questions, and I can’t decide if she sounds hopeful or innocent. Maybe both.

“Yes.” I tell her what she wants to hear and let the lie settle heavily in my stomach.

“You must do well for yourself.” She looks around the room, clearly impressed by her surroundings

“I get by.” l attempt humor, but it falls flat with her.

She looks down sadly at the feast in front of her, and it tugs at something inside me, something that feels fucking uncomfortable.

“You should eat.” I decide she’s waited long enough. Who knows when my brother last fed her?

“Is that you giving me your permission?” Riley stares at me blankly, and if I didn’t know better, I’d think she was mocking me.

“It is,” I nod, urging her to continue, and she quickly grabs at the bread roll she aimed for earlier. She piles her plate with food, desperately fast, rushing to get it to her lips, and I sit back and watch her. Her eyes continuously flick in my direction, timidly checking me for a reaction like the runt of a litter waiting for the alpha to decide she’s had enough and push her off the carcass.

Maybe she will be easier to tame than I originally thought.

I let her eat until she’s full. It doesn’t take very long, but I can tell she feels better for it by the sweet, slightly embarrassed smile she gives me when she finishes the last thing on her plate.

“Good?” I check.

“Yes, thank you,” she whispers, lowering her head gratefully.

“I'm pleased you enjoyed it.” I wait for her to finish sipping her wine before continuing.

“Riley, I wish for you to enjoy the time you spend here, and to do that, I’m going to need you to abide by my rules.”
