Page 110 of Then There Was You

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The car that hit her has stopped a little way up the road and the driver runs toward us.

“Fuck! She just stepped out in front of me. Is she okay?” he asks, his voice frantic.

“Call 911. Now!” I tell him. “It’s okay, baby,” I say to Taylor. “You’re going to be okay.”

I look up when I see a guy coming out of Eden. His eyes widen when he sees Taylor in the road.

“Go to the bar,” I shout. “Ask for Cade Brookes. Go!”

I keep her hand in mine, brushing my thumb over her skin while the driver of the car speaks to the 911 dispatcher.

“Is she breathing?” he asks, and I nod. “They said don’t move her.”

Suddenly, she moans. “I think she’s waking up,” I tell him. “It’s okay, Taylor. Don’t move, baby. Help is coming.”

“Oh my God! Taylor!” Paisley shouts, and seconds later, Cade’s by my side.

“What happened?” he asks, his fingers going to the pulse point on her neck.

“She stepped into the street and the car hit her.”

“Fuck. Did she go over the hood?”

“I think so. It happened so quickly.”

“Have you moved her?”


“Taylor, can you hear me?” he asks her.

“Seb,” she moans.

“I’m here, baby.”

Her eyes open and she starts to move, groaning in pain.

“Stay still, Taylor. Don’t move,” Cade says.

When she tries to get up, Cade stops her.

“No,” she cries, trying to sit up.

“How long for the ambulance?” he shouts at the guy talking to 911.

“Two minutes,” he replies.

“What’s happening?” I ask Cade.

“I think she might have a head injury. We need to keep her as still as possible.”

I’m relieved when I hear the sound of the ambulance in the distance a minute later. I look over to the crowd that’s gathered on the sidewalk. Sophie and Paisley are crying, while Nash and Wyatt try to comfort them.

When the EMTs arrive, I reluctantly move away from her so they can do what they need to. She’s moaning and thrashing her arms around, and it’s heartbreaking to watch. Paisley comes to me and pulls me into a hug.

“She’s going to be okay, isn’t she?” she asks, tears tracking down her cheeks.

“It’s my fault,” I whisper.
