Page 40 of Then There Was You

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I nod, and he bends down, kissing my cheek.

“Bye, Seb.”

I close the door behind him and groan internally as Paisley stares at me.

“Youreallylike him, don’t you?”

I’m beginning to realize why Seb didn’t want to say anything about us sleeping together.

“Yes, I really like him, not that it matters.” I bite my bottom lip. “Do you know what happened in his last relationship?”

She frowns. “He hasn’t been in a relationship the whole time I’ve known him. Why?”

I shrug. “Just something he said.”

“What did he say?”

“That being happy with someone wasn’t in his future. Why would he say that?”

She sighs. “I don’t know, Tay. Maybe he’s been hurt and he’s scared to open himself up again. I’m sure if he met the right person, he’d feel differently.”

I shake my head. “I don’t think so. He seems pretty closed off.”

“Don’t write things off with him. He’s a great guy.”

“Yeah, I know. Let’s talk about something else.” I go into the kitchen and move the bottle of Jack Daniel’s that Seb brought up with him off the breakfast bar. “Do you want pancakes?”

I busy myself getting the ingredients out to make the batter, only stopping when Paisley comes behind me and takes the bowl out of my hand.

“Sit down. I’ll make them.”

“I’m okay—”

“Sit down, Tay.” I accept defeat and sit at the breakfast bar. “I won’t mention Seb again, but tell me what happened with that guy last night. All I know is when Nash got on shift this morning, there was a guy in the cells and he was there because he’d attacked you. Did he hurt you?”

I shake my head, and while she makes pancakes, I spend the next ten minutes telling her what happened.

“What a fucking asshole. I’m so glad Seb followed him up.”

I shiver. “I can’t even think about what would have happened if he hadn’t.” She pushes a stack of pancakes in front of me. “There’s syrup in the cupboard,” I tell her, gesturing to one of the kitchen cabinets. She grabs it and sits next to me.

“It hasn’t put you off living here, has it?”

“No. I love living here. I’ll just be a little more aware next time I come up from the bar drunk and alone.”

She takes my hand and squeezes gently. “I hate that he’s made you feel like that.”

I shrug. “Me too. Will you come to the station with me in a bit? One of the officers came over last night, but I need to go in and give my statement.”

“Of course I will.”

After eating breakfast, I leave Paisley in the living room while I take a shower. As the hot water washes over me, my mind wanders to Seb and when I’ll see him again. I’m setting myself up for heartbreak, but Ireallylike him. Sleeping together just cemented that for me. I know I’d do it again in a heartbeat, even though he doesn’t want a relationship. I guess that makes me stupid or desperate, maybe both. All I know is there’s a tiny flicker of hope that maybe, just maybe, he’ll change his mind and realize how good we could be together.

* * *

It’s late Saturday afternoon, and a week since I gave my statement to Nash at the station. Brandon was charged with assault, but because of his clean record up until then, he got away with a fine. It was a large fine, but I was pissed he wasn’t getting punished more for what he’d done, or at least what he would have done given the chance. I had to put it behind me, though. Brandon was gone. Back in LA and thousands of miles away. As long as I never had to see him again, I was good with that.

I’m on the sofa watching a movie. I have the worst period cramps and I feel like shit. My periods have always been awful, and cycle-wise, all over the place. This month is no exception. I usually take Tylenol and have a heating pad attached to my stomach for the first couple of days, but this is my first period since moving here and I can’t find my heating pad, even though I was sure I’d brought it with me from Pittsburgh. I’d ordered one online, but it hasn’t been delivered yet. I hope it comes soon. I could cry from the pain.
