Page 50 of Then There Was You

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He laughs. “Don’t worry. He can afford it. What do you want to drink?”

“What is there?”

“I think it would be easier to tell you what there isn’t,” Paisley says with a chuckle. “Do you want some champagne if I open a bottle?”

My eyes widen in surprise. “Champagne?” She nods. “Sure.”

When we’ve all got a drink in our hands, we head back outside onto the balcony. There’s some time before kick-off, and we all sit on the comfy loungers, sipping champagne.

“Does anyone else feel like this is a little surreal?” Paisley asks with a giggle. “Have you been in one of these lofts before?”

Nash laughs. “No. We’re usually in the stands. I’ll be expecting these seats every time now.” He looks from Paisley to me. “Did Paisley talk to you about Christmas, Taylor?”

“I haven’t yet,” Paisley says. “I haven’t had a chance.”

“Christmas?” I ask, looking between them.

“My parents want you to come over for dinner on Christmas Day,” Nash says.

I glance at Seb, who smiles. “They do?” I ask. Nash nods. “Your mom can’t be cooking again for everyone, surely? She just did it at Thanksgiving.”

Seb laughs. “She loves it. You should come.”

I hadn’t let myself think about what I might do at Christmas. It will be the first Christmas without my mom, and I’d assumed I’d be spending the day on my own. I thought I might see Nash and Paisley in the evening if they weren’t busy, but now it seems I get to spend all day with them. “I’d love to. Will you thank her for me?”

“Sure,” Nash says. “She’ll be pleased you’re coming.”

While we’ve been talking, the stadium has come alive with people of all ages, talking, laughing, and taking their seats. I stand from my seat and walk to the edge of the balcony, looking out over the field.

“They’re coming out,” I shout, pointing to where the teams are emerging. “What color is Wyatt wearing?”

“Red and white. The LA Rams are in blue,” Seb says from behind me.

“And what number is Wyatt? They all look the same from up here.”

“Eleven. That’s him.” Seb points into the distance and my eyes go to where he’s pointing.

“He looks so different in his uniform.”

“Lycra will do that to you,” Nash jokes, he and Paisley coming to stand next to us.

We watch as the cheerleaders perform a routine, and the crowd goes wild. It’s a hive of activity on the field while the players warm up, and despite not really knowing what’s going to be happening during the game, I love the atmosphere and the excitement in the air.

“What’s happening now?” I ask as the cheerleaders leave and a woman with a microphone walks into the middle of the field.

“It’s the national anthem,” Seb explains.

Everyone in the stadium stands as the woman belts out “The Star-Spangled Banner,” and the cheerleaders run back on, holding an enormous American flag. When she’s finished, the crowd erupts into cheers and the field empties as the players take their places.

Three hours later, and no one is more surprised than me to find that I loved watching the game. As play went on, with some pointers from Seb, I think I understood a little about what was happening. The Cardinals have won, albeit by a close margin, but winning has made the atmosphere in the ground electric.

“I think I’m a converted football fan. That was amazing. When can we come again?”

Nash laughs. “I’m sure Wyatt can get you a ticket whenever you want, Taylor.”

“I’d love that.”

“Well, they won, so I guess that means the team will be out celebrating. Can we go and meet them?” Paisley asks excitedly.
