Page 59 of Then There Was You

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“Is it?”

His brow furrows in confusion. “Isn’t it? I thought you and Jackson were friends.”

“We are, I guess.”

Nash stands from the booth. “I found Jackson in the bar downstairs. I had no idea he was coming to watch the game.”

“He’s gotten comfortable with Taylor pretty quickly,” I say, my voice giving away my jealousy. He looks up, spotting Wyatt and me.

“Hey, guys,” he says, maneuvering out of the booth and holding his hand out for first Wyatt to shake, and then me. “It was a great game, Wyatt.”

“Good to see you, Jackson. You should have said you were coming to watch the game. You could have gone in the loft with these guys,” Wyatt says, flicking his head toward me and Nash.

“I’m sorry to have missed that. I’ve been talking to Taylor about how much she loved it. I’ve offered to bring her to the next home game if it falls on a day I’m not working.”

My stomach twists. I know there’s no way Taylor is going to say no to that. She loved the game and wants to come again.

“Let me know if you can make it and I’ll hook you up with some seats. I can’t promise one of the lofts again, but the stadium seats will be good,” Wyatt says.

“Thanks, man. That would be great.”

I glare daggers at Wyatt, who shrugs his shoulders. Not wanting to make small talk with anyone, I place my glass on the table and turn to Nash.

“I’m going to call it a night and head back to the hotel.”

“Oh, okay.” He leans forward and interrupts Paisley and Taylor’s conversation.

“Seb’s heading back to the hotel. What do you guys want to do? Do you want to stay or head back?” he asks.

“I think I’m ready to go,” Taylor says, looking past Nash to me.

“Yeah, I’m good to go too,” Paisley agrees.

“Looks like we’re coming with you,” Nash says when he stands up.

I nod and turn to Wyatt. “We’re calling it a night. When are you back home?”


“I’ll see you at Mom and Dad’s on Christmas Day, then.”

He pulls me into a one-armed hug. “Think about what I said,” he whispers in my ear before stepping out of the embrace. I give him a small nod before stepping back and waiting while Nash, Paisley, and Taylor each give him a hug. As they’re saying goodbye, Jackson pulls me to one side.

“Hey, man. How’s Taylor been since that asshole attacked her?”

“Erm… yeah, she’s been okay,” I tell him, taken aback by him asking.

He nods. “What do you think she’d say if I asked her out?”

My jaw tenses, and as much as I like Jackson, right now, I want to punch him. “I don’t know. You’d have to ask her.” I’m grateful when I see everyone has said their goodbyes and I can end the conversation. “I should go. Good to see you, Jackson,” I lie.

“You too, Seb,” he says, his attention going from me to Taylor. “Taylor, before you go, can I talk to you for a second?”

“I’ll wait outside,” I say to Nash, disappearing into the crowds before he can reply. It’s got nothing to do with me whether she agrees to go out with Jackson or not, but I don’t have to watch.

Once I’m outside, I pace the sidewalk as I wait for them. Nash appears first, followed by Taylor, who’s laughing at something Paisley is saying. Nash sees me and walks over.

“Why did you rush off?”
