Page 88 of Then There Was You

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“Yeah. Same.” He sighs loudly, and I raise my eyes. He’s dragging his hand through his hair and shifting nervously from foot to foot. “Do you think we could maybe talk later? After the shower, I mean.”

A tiny flicker of hope ignites in my chest, and I nod. “Okay.”

“I miss you, Tay,” he says so quietly I almost miss it.

“I miss you too.”

“Taylor. There you are,” a voice shouts, interrupting our conversation. I look past Seb and see Tessa walking toward me. She pulls me into a hug. “Everything looks incredible, sweetheart. Thank you for all you’ve done to make this special for Sophie and Cade.”

My eyes find Seb’s over her shoulder, and he smiles.

“It was all Ashlyn. I just helped,” I tell her as she steps out of the embrace.

“Nonsense,” she says, waving off my comment. “Ashlyn said she couldn’t have done it without you.”

Suddenly, the kitchen door flies open, and Ashlyn appears. “Quick,” she says, beckoning us with her arm. “Cade’s just messaged. They’re nearly here.”

Ash’s voice betrays her excitement, and I smile at Tessa.

“I’m not sure who’s going to be more excited today,” I say with a chuckle.

My eyes flick to Seb as I follow Ashlyn and Tessa out of the kitchen, and I can’t help but wonder what he wants to talk about. A part of me hopes he’s changed his mind and wants to give things a go, but I know that’s unlikely. I’ve missed him so much these past couple of weeks. I’ve gone from falling asleep in his arms almost every night to barely seeing him at all. As much as I want to see him, it seems easier to keep my distance. It only hurts when I’m around him.

When Sophie arrives with Cade, she’s overwhelmed by the surprise. Both she and Ash are crying within minutes, but they’re undoubtably happy tears, and we spend the next hour playing baby-related games before Sophie and Cade open their mountain of gifts. As well as immediate family, Bree and Leo are here, and it’s nice to catch up with Bree. I haven’t spoken to Seb again, but I’ve caught him watching me a couple of times and my stomach erupts with butterflies every time his eyes lock with mine.

I’m in the kitchen grabbing a soda when pain explodes in my lower stomach. I grip tightly onto the refrigerator door and breathe deeply as I wait for the cramp to pass. I know what the pain means. My body has the worst timing. The pain instantly makes me feel sick, and as much as I’m enjoying the shower, the only place I want to be is at home.

When the pain has eased a little, I make my way into the living room where, thankfully, it’s only the girls. The guys are out on the patio, toasting despite the baby not being born yet.

“Are you okay, Tay?” Paisley asks, her brow furrowed in concern.

Everyone turns to look at me and my face flushes with heat. “I need to go home, take some pain meds, and lie down.” Paisley flashes me a sympathetic smile, knowing how bad my periods can be. I turn to Sophie. “I’m sorry I have to leave early, Soph. I hope you’ve had a great day.”

She stands from where she’s sitting, her face clouded with concern. “Do you want me to get Cade?”

I shake my head. “No. I’ll be fine.”

She frowns. “Are you sure? He won’t mind.”

I place my hand on her arm. “I’m sure. I just need to lie down.”

She pulls me into a hug. “Okay. Thank you for helping Ash to arrange all of this, Taylor. I still can’t believe it.”

I chuckle and step out of her embrace. “You deserve it after everything you’ve been through. Enjoy the rest of your day.”

I quickly say goodbye to everyone, and Paisley follows me into the entryway.

“I’ll give you a ride,” she says, picking up the keys to Nash’s truck off the small table.

“No. Stay. I can walk.”

“Taylor, I can see the pain on your face. There’s no way I’m letting you walk. It’ll take me five minutes to drive you home. No arguing.”

“Thank you.”

She waves off my thanks and links her arm with mine as we walk outside to Nash’s truck. We’re both quiet on the short drive to Eden, and when we pull up outside, she reaches across the cab and takes my hand.

“How are you doing? Aside from the cramps, I mean.”
