Page 89 of Then There Was You

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Paisley knows about what happened with Seb. She’s been my sounding board as well as a shoulder to cry on over the past two weeks. She wanted to speak to him, but I begged her not to. If Seb wants to be with me, then it has to be his decision and not because anyone’s talked him into it.

I shrug. “I’m okay. He said he missed me earlier and asked if we could talk after the baby shower.”

“About giving things a go?”

“I don’t know,” I whisper. “I can’t help but hope he might want to.”

“I hope so too, Tay.” She squeezes my hand. “Does he know you’ve come home?”

“No. I’ll message him. Thanks for the ride.”

“Feel better. I’ll call you later.”

I climb out of the truck and head into Eden. I’m grateful the bar’s busy and I’m able to slip through the crowd and up to my apartment without being seen. Ten minutes later, I’m on the sofa with my sweats on and a heating pad pressed against my stomach. I’ve taken some Tylenol and I’m snuggled under a blanket. I’m just about to reach for my phone to let Seb know I had to leave when it chimes with an incoming message. Reaching for it, I find his name on the screen.

Seb: Are you okay? Paisley said you had to leave.

My fingers fly over the screen as I type out a reply.

Me: I’m okay. Taken some painkillers and doing better now.

Seb: Do you want me to come over?

I stare at the screen. Does he mean come over to see if I’m okay or to talk? I don’t want him to leave his brother’s baby shower early to check on me.

Me: Later, if you still want to talk. Don’t miss Cade and Sophie’s shower.

Seb: I still want to talk, Tay. Do you need anything?

Nerves swirl in my stomach as I read his message.

Me: No, I’m okay, thanks. See you later.

Seb: See you soon.

I frown. I hope he doesn’t decide to leave the shower early because of me.



When Paisley tells me Taylor’s sick, the pull to go to her is like nothing I’ve ever felt before. I don’t know how I ever thought we could just be friends. I’m in too deep. I should know after falling for Sophie that love isn’t something you get a say in.

About half an hour after messaging Taylor, the baby shower is winding down and I’m helping Cade load his car with the mountain of gifts people have brought for the baby.

“Who knew you needed this much stuff for a baby,” I say as I place the bassinet I bought them on the back seat of Cade’s car.

He chuckles. “I know, right? We’re going to need a bigger house and they’re not even born yet.”

When we get back inside, Sophie’s in the entryway saying goodbye to everyone. She’s teary again, and Cade goes to her, sliding his arm around her waist and tugging her gently into his side. After they leave, I briefly help to tidy up before making my excuses and leaving too. I’m just climbing onto my bike when Paisley comes running out of the house.

I frown. “Everything okay?”

She moves nervously from foot to foot and lowers her eyes to the ground. “I probably shouldn’t say anything…” She trails off.

“But you’re going to anyway?” I chuckle.

“Taylor told me what happened with you two.” The laughter dies in my throat, and I sigh. “She’s been a mess, Seb.”
