Page 12 of Forbidden Alpha

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I try to play it off and step away, giving me another foot of space. “Omega Studies? What’s that?”

Gabe yawns as if this is the most boring topic in the world. “How to care and nurture your omega, if you’re lucky enough to get one. Most students who come to Drakewood never finish the one-year program. I’m going to finish though.”

“I don’t belong here,” I whisper. I can’t imagine taking care of an omega either. I can barely take care of myself because of how Mother raised me.

“Me, neither,” he says, yanking me from my thoughts.

I raise an eyebrow in question, but instead of explaining himself, he simply smiles. Again. Always with that damn beautiful smile.

“You smile too much,” I tell him, because it’s true.

He shrugs again. His grin widens. “Only when I’m around you. It’s hard to explain.”

This gorgeous alpha acts unlike any unmated male I’ve ever seen before. My sisters’ packs dote on them, but usually young alphas are rough and tumble and almost impossible to deal with. Why is Gabe being so nice to me?

Whatever the reason, I like it. I decide then that I can trust him. At least for the time being.

“I think it’s because I don’t belong here,” I say again, then lick my lips. Gabe’s admission might be the proof I need. “I’m actually an omega. There’s been a mistake.”

“Oh, yeah?” he challenges with a wry smirk. “Then prove it.”

Before I can stop myself, I push him back into the classroom, crushing my lips to his as we move. “Can’t you tell? You want me, don’t you? I’m an omega,” I pant, only pulling away from Gabe long enough to give voice to the words that I so desperately want to be true. “I haven’t manifested yet, but I’m going to. And when I do, I’ll take your thick alpha knot all the way to the base.” The thought turns me on. It’s something I imagined a dozen times before. It was always intended to be my duty.

Gabe lets out a low moan and wraps one hand around my neck and plants the other on my ass. “Fuck when you manifest, let me give it to you now.” He lifts me like I weigh nothing and carries me to the instructor’s desk at the front of the classroom. Once there, he spreads me out like a feast, removing my pants so fast I almost don’t notice it happening.

“I’m going to make you come, Cherry Pie. I’m going to make you come all over my fucking face.” So he’s scented me then. I wonder how long ago he noticed I smell like vanilla and cherry. How long he’s been wanting to do precisely this.

I gasp and buck my hips. I’ve done this lots of times back home, usually with eager beta fuckboys. I’ve never been with an alpha before. Will I go all the way this time? Will I give this man I’ve only just met my virginity, because of a few kind words and a half-assed tour of the school?

Yes, I decide. I will. What better way to prove to myself that Mother got it wrong?

Because if there’s one way I can prove what I am it’s through sex. And don’t I fucking deserve it after all I’ve been through? My body has been screaming for it loudly enough, surely it’s time I get something to satisfy my own needs.

Gabe pushes my panties to the side, then sticks two fingers into me, testing my body. I gasp at the pressure, but in a good way. “Mmm, I want you dripping. Don’t you want my cock?”

“Mmm make me want it. I can smell how much you want my pussy,” I growl, then push his head to my throbbing center. “Now make me come like you promised.”

His tongue begins to dance slow circles around my clit as his fingers work in and out of me, I can’t help but moan as I grab the curly locks on his head, twisting and pulling, and panting and writhing… but not coming.

Something’s not right.

I push Gabe off me, then stand and guide him back to the desk. After pushing him down, I mount and grind my drenched body against the hard length imprisoned in his jeans.

“Kiss me,” I demand before nipping at his lip and guiding his hands to my aching breasts. Now that I’m riding him, I feel so much more in my element. I rake my nails across his chest, pressing harder as the sensations overtake me.

Gabe drops a hand from my tit and starts to fumble with his belt. I moan my consent, riding him faster, loving the sensation of my body rubbing his. Who fucking cares if I’m making it even harder for him to undress? I need this right now. Can’t wait. Won’t wait.

I trace kisses down his neck and across his collarbone and back. But it’s not enough.

Fuck, I’m so close to coming. I just need a little bit more. Still grinding roughly against him, I bring my mouth back to his tender neck and clamp down hard.

“Jesus! What the fuck?” Gabe growls, pushing me off him. “Are you trying to mark me?”

“N-n-no,” I whimper, the shock of landing on my ass enough to knock sense back into me. “Of course not.”

“You can’t just fucking mark me without my consent.” He scrubs his fingers through his hair.

I watch as his erection grows soft through his pants. Oh, no, no, no. What was I thinking? This has never happened before, so why has it happened now?
