Page 13 of Forbidden Alpha

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“Gabe,” I say, reaching for him, but he jerks away.

“Not now, Amber. I’m going to need a few minutes to myself first.” And then he disappears, leaving me alone and more confused than ever.



Thanks to some luck and some quick thinking on my part, I manage to avoid both Beau and Gabe the entire morning, and now I have to face not only the two of them but also Theoden. God help me. I’m steps away from the Omega Studies class and suddenly I recognize his omega scent. Tart like berries with something spicier. Maybe cinnamon. It doesn’t have the extra sweetness and warmth of his lust, but it’s enough to make my gut clench—my pussy too. Do the guys have this problem with him, or is it only because I’m female? My steps drag, and I take my sweet, sweet time getting to his door. And damn. His subtle scent suddenly shifts and grows more intense. It’s the same fragrance that wrapped around me and tied up my innate nature when we first met. It was one of the moments I realized how it is possible for me to be an alpha as much as I yearn to be an omega…but now that Theoden’s delectable lust blankets me, I’m not so sure. I wonder if he’d let me pin him down and mark him…

Shit. I can’t pull my head from the lust-filled cloud I want to bathe in. Theoden’s clearly excited about something. The shift from berries to brown sugar and caramel makes me weak in the knees and floods my mouth with saliva.Just a taste…

A tiny voice in the back of my mind wonders if all of his excitement is about me, the only female alpha on the entire campus aside from that dried-up husk of a woman, Warden Black. I assume she took the position because she couldn’t get a pack of her own. Even with a name like Lacey Black—seriously, she should have gone into porn—she somehow doesn’t ooze even a single drop of sexuality.

Swallowing my last gulp of free air, I cross the threshold into Theoden’s—I mean, Professor Hudson’s—room. I need to get that into my head.

My previous classes didn’t have assigned seats, and I could only assume it was following the startling lack of rules the academy espoused. Now I have to admit my toe-dragging in the hallway may have been a bad idea. Of course all the seats are full from the back forward, leaving a single empty seat smack in the middle of the front row. And, as if this was planned, it was flanked by Beau and Gabe.

Fucking awesome.

I hesitate in the doorway, scanning the room in desperate hope that a miracle would happen and a free desk would appear in the back like a gift from a fairy godmother. No such luck.

“Ms. Steele, you’re welcome to take the open seat here. I won’t bite.” Theoden’s deep and resonant voice lures my attention to him, and I clench my jaw against the tremble that runs through my belly when it hits my ears.

With every muscle in my body tight as a wire, I march to the only available seat, ignoring Beau’s obnoxious grin as I slide into place. Gabe’s smile is distant but slightly friendlier. Even so, I just have a feeling I’m in for some kind of unpleasant surprise.

“Nice backpack, Kitten,” Beau snorts. He kicks it with his shoe.

It’s plain black—what the hell is wrong with my backpack?

A quick glance around the room tells me that I’m the only one carrying any sort of baggage. I’d noticed without really registering that most people walked around with books in their hands instead of carrying anything so pedestrian as a backpack. Well, we’ll just add another point to my ‘uncool’ score then. Seriously, what do I care? If anything, me being a giant dweeb may help keep others away.

Something comes over me, and I swipe his jacket from the floor. “I figured I’d need it to grab more shit since half my bags went missing. You don’t mind, do you?” My bravado catches Beau off guard for a second as the room falls silent.

He lifts an eyebrow and shrugs. “If you really need my scent to fuck yourself later…”

Goddamn it!

“Everyone, settle down. I know most of you haven’t been within a foot of a woman, but you need to learn now or risk getting dropped from my class. We’re here to learn how to properly care for another, and that includes any potential pack mates. Omegas need a team.” Theoden steps closer and presses his hand to my desk. “That includes you, Amber. Do you understand?” The sound of my name on his lips tickles something warm inside of me.

Theoden’s scent thickens with his closeness, and Beau turns to me with a grin so wickedly delicious it would put the Grinch to shame.

“Yes, professor.” In an attempt to own my fucked-up status in this world, I’d chosen to pair the tiny uniform skirt and billowy button-down shirt and tie combo with an oversized leather jacket. They said the uniformcouldbe worn with a jacket, but they never specified whatkindof jacket they meant. Thanks to the height added by my over-the-knee boots, I’d managed to swagger through the halls for most of the day, feeling as badass as possible given the circumstances.

Now, however, I find myself desperately searching for more fabric to conceal my naked thighs. Not only is Beau leering at me from one side, but Theoden’s eyes seem to be drawn to my exposed flesh at regular ten-second intervals. I don’t dare look to my right and catch the sympathetic gaze Gabe is sure to be wearing. I bit him—fucking bit him—and he’s still playing nice. Almost makes me wonder what I’d have to do to turn him against me for good.

Meanwhile, this classroom situation is fucking impossible. I feel so many pairs of eyes on me that it makes my skin crawl.

With the memory of Warden Black’s warning echoing in my ears, I refocus my attention on Theoden and his Omega Studies lesson.

“Good. Then let’s get started. Obviously, none of you truly understand anything beyond your need to challenge when in actuality, that’ll get you nowhere. Caring for your omega isthemost important task of being an alpha,” he says, stepping away, still keeping his gaze locked on me. “Yes, providing for them, but also tending to all their needs: sexual, emotional, and physical. As alphas, you have aggressive, urgent needs to succeed, to provide, and yes, to rut, Mr. Sorokin.”

A titter of laughter echoes through the classroom. Based on Theoden’s statement, I can only conclude the other student was acting out something lewd, and I keep my eyes facing forward to ensure he doesn’t get the satisfaction of my attention.

“However,” Theoden continues, “your omega is not like you. Where you are physically driven to achieve, they are born to give way. You practice aggressive, combative sports, and they learn yoga and massage. They are in tune with their feelings in a way you will not understand until you mate with your own omega.” Theoden’s eyes seek out mine, and my breath catches in my throat. Why does it feel like there is more meaning to his words? “When you find your mate, your emotions will be in a complete uproar.” His gaze drifts away from me, and I suck in a deep breath of relief.

“It will help relieve your tension to care for them, but if you don’t pass this class you won’t know how to do that. Needing to help your omega and not knowing how will drive your alpha nature absolutely mad. You need to fix things, to protect your pack, and when your sensitive omega is in need of the nurturing you don’t know how to provide, you will go berserk.”

Theoden strolls back and forth, his scent hitting me in waves. I break my no-looking rule and peek at Gabe. If he smells Theoden like I do, he doesn’t react.
