Page 14 of Forbidden Alpha

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“So, part of this course will be providing tender nurturing for a sweet little creature that needs constant care,” Theoden continues.

“I volunteer to nurture Ms. Steele!” A voice I don’t recognize rises up from the back of the class. “She’s tiny and smells so damn sweet. She’ll fit nicely in my pocket. I’ll takerealgood care of her.”

A deep, angry rumble burns in my chest, and my fingers clench the desk to prevent myself from leaping over the students behind me and ripping the throat out of whichever asshole clearly needs it.

To my immense surprise, a similar growl echoes in my left ear, and I turn just in time to catch the fury on Beau’s face before he wipes it clean with his signature smirk.

Wait a second—is he actually angry on my behalf? Or perhaps jealous?

“Yes, well, Mr. Madison, I think you will find that a rather more difficult task than you believe. You’d do well to remember that Ms. Steele is an alpha in her own right, and she is here for good reason. If you want to know exactly what she did to end up in a reform school populated mainly by men, I suggest you keep it up. She just might show you.” Theoden gives me a small smile and a conspiratorial wink, then returns to his lecture.

Hmm… perhaps a display of my alpha-ness is exactly what all of these alpha-holes need. If I can truly consider myself an alpha. I’m still not convinced I’m not just a super confused omega.

My eyes drift to Gabe. Making out with him last night was delicious, and I still crave more… but why did it feel so much better when I took charge? If I were an omega, I should have flooded with slick as I breathed in his pheromones, but it wasn’t until I mounted and rode him that I got wet at all. And now? I’m certain Theoden’s got me all wet. What does it all mean?

Maybe a test is what I need. Perhaps, if we take it further, my omega side would fully manifest and prove Mother wrong. I glance down at the strawberry pink birthmark, barely visible on the inside of my cleavage. What would it take to turn the damn thing dark?

Theoden’s voice continues, pulling my thoughts from my order. “You will receive everything you need to care for your ‘practice omega’ on Friday. I cannot stress this enough: You need to pass this test with flying colors in order to remain at Drakewood. You might think this is a joke—I assure you it is not. We’ll go over the assignment in more detail on Friday, but just know, this is no laughing matter, and you need to be prepared for the responsibility. You will keep your ‘practice omega’ for two weeks, to prove your abilities as a caring, nurturing alphas. Fail, and you’re out.”

What? Is he crazy? I can’t get kicked out for failing something as minuscule as caring for whatever the fuck his fake omega is. If that happens…it won’t happen. I know what omegas need. I’ll prove it to everyone. Including myself.


I didn’t appreciate the smirk on Professor Hudson’s face when he revealed our upcoming ‘practice omega’ assignment. Something tells me it will be less about hot chicks and more about something only loosely connected to the class topic.

Whatever. I’m still going to ace it. I’ll do whatever it takes to come out on top and secure the bright future I deserve.

“Catch you at lunch,” Beau calls without even glancing over at me as he strides confidently toward the door. Since he’s here for a violent crime, he has Anger Management next.

Even though I had a gun when I staged my phony robbery, I didn’t technically hurt anyone so no Anger Management for me. Instead, I have a free period now but will have to show up for Wealth and Investment later. Frankly, that class is a joke. They forced me to take it because my home pack nets less than mid-six figures per year. Since this is a school largely for spoiled rich kids, there are only a handful of us who even show up for Professor Schwartz’s above-board money-making class. The other students used to tease me for taking what they lovingly refer to as Poverty 101, but once I hooked up with Beau, they learned to hold their tongues.

Generally, I use my free period to read ahead of the syllabus or iron and press my uniforms. Today, however, I’m planning to take a nice long nap. I need it after thoughts of my tryst with Amber kept me up all last night.

Fucking libido. It doesn’t help how fucking hot she is.

“Gabe, wait!” a sweet, feminine voice calls out from down the hall.

I turn and find Amber sashaying my way with intense purpose. Instinctually, I raise my hand to the sore spot on my neck where she bit me mid-makeout. Fucking A. It threw me off so much so that I panicked. Her dominating me shouldn’t have been such a damn turn on.

I wait for her to catch up before asking, “Did you forget where Anger Management is? It’s just downstairs and to the right. I can take you if you want.”

“No, I remember where it is.” A smile splits her face. “I’m not going though.”

Rage boils inside me at her carefree approach to academics. “This isn’t some game, Amber. If you fail, your life is ruined. Don’t you get that?”

“I don’t need to pass,” she tells me with a mischievous glint in her blue eyes. “It’ll come out that me being here is all a mistake, and I’m going to prove it. I can be an omega. Look at my birthmark. It hasn’t darkened.” Amber surprises me by tugging down her top, showing off her supple cleavage. Between her perky tits peeks a small pink birthmark. “See. There’s still a chance that I wasn’t triggered into an alpha rage. It could’ve been a mental breakdown. My life and pack are so fucked up.”

“You’re in denial, cherry-pie. They wouldn’t send you here with only the possibility. The quicker you understand that, the better.” I hate my flat, bored tone, but I worry she’s going to snap.

She waits for the foot traffic to clear, leaving us alone in the abandoned hallway, then pushes me up against the lockers and presses her tits to my chest. Immediately my cock rises to the task, but it’s not the only part of me that’s allowed to do the thinking here.

“And the quicker you learn… Just fuck me,” Amber pleads in a breathy, husky tone as she reaches for the clasp on my belt. “Give me your big, fat alpha knot.”

“Amber, no,” I growl, pushing her away as much as it kills me to reject her advances. I definitely owe my cock a good tug later.

Amber stumbles backward and nearly falls to the ground. I race forward to help steady her, but then decide it’s probably better to keep my distance while she’s stuck in a state of horny denial.

“Stop this bullshit,” I seethe. “You’re an alpha. I’ve only known you for like a day and already I can see that loud and clear. Why can’t you just accept what you are?”
