Page 16 of Forbidden Alpha

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“Why do you want to?” Amber steps closer, a smirk playing on her lips, her demeanor changing in an instant. My pheromones set off her deep-seated nature as an alpha, clearly awakening something inside her.

“It’s hard to explain. As an omega…” I shift on my feet, her presence consuming me, messing with my head. “As your professor, I want to do what it takes to see you succeed.”

“Are you sure it’s not just because I’m a female alpha, and you’re having a hard time resisting me?” Amber strokes her fingers along my arm, her eyes searching mine.

I blink a few times, tensing under her scrutiny. “Yes, yes, of course. It’s true that you’re different from 99% of the students I’ve taught. I just, uh, thought you might need some extra help settling in.”

Her pheromones affect me too. I know it because I can’t help inhaling a lungful of her delectable scent, her need to dominate me turning me on.

“Why’s that?” Amber tests me beyond belief, her nature battling against her rationale.

I clear my throat. “You…” She’s standing too close. Her scent is too intoxicating.

“Tell me, Professor Hudson.” Surprising me, Amber latches her fingers around my tie. “I need to hear it. Right now.”

“I’m sorry. I’ve overstepped my boundaries.” I try to step back, but her hand tightens around my tie, and she stands on her tiptoes, pressing her nose to the nape of my neck.

She laughs softly at that. “What boundaries? There aren’t any rules here, Theoden.” The way she says my name, her words a husky growl, sends my heart racing. She gets to me in a good way. A way I enjoy far too much.

“Amber…” She’s so goddamn beautiful. Sexy. Completely and unintentionally dominating.

She peeks at me, her tongue gliding over her full lips. “You want me. I can smell it.”

I don’t respond, remaining frozen in place as her hand traces down my jacket.

“You don’t have to say anything. It’s strange though. How clear it is to me. It’s funny. I was so convinced that I was an omega that it’s been hard to accept otherwise. The way the men here treat me doesn’t help.” She intakes another breath. “But not you.”

“Because I’m an omega,” I admit, closing my eyes, savoring the sensation of her so close. Screw my place as a professor. I’m an omega, and Amber… I want her.

“And I’m an alpha.” Amber slowly pulls away, putting space between us. “I need to make it known.” She whispers her last comment as if she speaks only to herself. “They’re going to fucking know.”

I open my mouth to comment, but Amber abruptly turns away.

“Thanks, Theoden. Don’t forget to excuse me from class. I have something I need to do.” Amber holds up a phone and smiles at me. She managed to pick my pocket. “I’ll return this later. Promise.”

I should demand she return it. I should stop her from leaving.

If only I wasn’t weak in the knees.

I slump in my desk, staring at the door as it closes. Whatever she’s up to will surely put the male alphas in their places. She’ll dominate the academy in no time.

Maybe even dominateme.


My alarm blares, and I stumble my way through, getting dressed. Gabe sleeps like the dead so I don’t make too big of an effort to be quiet. I’m pretty sure a car crash wouldn’t wake him up, but since only one of us gets up extra early to go to the gym, he can just deal if it bothers him.

Pre-workout in hand, I reach for the door and hesitate, spotting something on the dark floor that someone must’ve shoved under the door: A scrap of lace and a heavy, expensive envelope with the potent scent of something delicious. I grab the package and tackle the lace first, realizing it’s a bag and contains a pair of sexy red panties that—I press them to my face and inhale deeply—had definitely been worn. They’re thick with Amber’s cherry and vanilla scent. The girly handwriting on the card is difficult to read in the dark room, but I can barely make out, “If you want to see me naked…” on the front.

Oh, fuck yes!

Excited now, I shove the panties in my pocket for later and open the envelope, holding it over my head to let gravity help dislodge the thick stack of papers from inside.

I finally loosen the card and tug it out, only to be blasted in the face with a powdery substance that immediately gets in my eyes and mouth. I cough, spitting out the weird powder, hoping Amber didn’t just hit me with some kind of biological weapon. It coats my tongue and tastes like cardboard.

Deciding I’d be better off taking this out to the well-lit hallway so I can see properly, I head out and am immediately swamped with a sense of doom.

The substance coating my hands, shirt, and likely my face and hair, is micro-fine pink and purple glitter, interspersed with colorful rainbow confetti—shaped like dicks.
