Page 17 of Forbidden Alpha

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I stare in utter confusion at the mess, then decide there’s nothing to lose now and open the card, releasing the remainder of the load.

Inside two lines are written:

Eat a bag of dicks! XOXO, Amber.

PS—Now that I’ve scent-marked your room, all your shit belongs to me.

The snort escapes me before I even realize it, sending a cloud of glitter drifting slowly to the floor.

Well played.


If the assholes at this school were surprised to see me roll up to the gates a couple of days ago, they were doubly surprised to wake up to the little gifts I shoved under their doors last night. It took a lot of work and no small amount of sneakiness, but the satisfaction accompanying me as I walk to breakfast is priceless.

Some of them had already opened my little present, judging by the mess on the floor that’s trailed outside their rooms. Others were just discovering their surprises, and now the shouts of, “Oh, what thefuck?” from behind closed doors is music to my ears as I traipse down the hallway.

For every pair of alpha-holes in my class, I’d assembled a special package. Each card got a spritz of expensive perfume, and each pair of panties got a quick swipe between my legs for authenticity—I didn’t want them to be suspicious that it was another guy playing a prank. I needed them to believe it was from me, and that it was sincere.

Plus, they all seemed to like my scent so much I figured I’d just spread it to every room and cover all my bases.

I was very careful—the key to this kind of prank is that your target can’t have an idea of what is about to hit them.

For most of the rooms I only gifted one surprise; I didn’t know all of their names and surely one guy would ruin it for the other one.

But I know Beau leaves for the gym an hour before Gabe gets up. He’s loud as shit when he stumbles into the hallway in the morning, so my asshole neighbors got a special treatment. I placed Beau’s gift last night. Then, when he left this morning, I slipped a second package addressed to Gabe under their door, snickering to myself as I snuck back to my room.

Breakfast is quite nice in the wake of my little scheme. A few of the guys are pissed about my little prank, but several of them come up to my table, asking to join me and offering their begrudging admiration. It seems the ones who find it the funniest are the guys who weren’t the ones to open the card, and instead watched their roommate get covered in pink glitter and tiny rainbow dicks.

And even though he’s showered, when Beau turns up I can still see traces of glitter clinging to his body and hair, sparkling faintly as he moves.

In fact, it’s like I turned half of my classmates into fairy princesses, and they all glimmer prettily in the fluorescent lights.

The conversation is boisterous this morning as each new guy to enter the dining hall is examined by the others for traces of glitter. There are winners and losers, it seems, and strangely, the ones who received my glitter bomb wear it as a source of pride. Whether they’re good-natured about it or not, they at least seem to respect the balls it took to pull off the trick.

For the first time since my arrival, the glances I intercept from my classmates are neither lusty nor hostile. Instead, they vary from neutral to amused, and some even—dare I say it—look an awful lot like respect.

Then, as if my morning couldn’t get any better, Gabe appears. His thick curly hair looks like a pink and purple geode from all of the glitter. At first I feel just a smidge bad, but then he spots me and runs over, grinning, to crouch by my side. “What do you think of my new look? I used some gel to help it stick.”

Sure enough, his hair is almost wet-looking from the gel, and the glitter is firmly encased in it. I touch it with one hand and withdraw a tiny red penis confetti from the depth of his curls.

A snort escapes before I can tamp down the giggles. “Okay just because you decided you want to look like an extra on a Disney Channel movie doesn’t erase the street cred I get from the prank in the first place. You know that, right?”

Gabe just smiles even wider, showing off those perfect teeth. “Consider it a self-own. I’m sorry for how I acted the other day.”

My smile falters. “No, you were right. I need to stop pretending I’m an omega and just accept what I am.”

“Oh, no. I’m not sorry I said it,” he protests quickly, smirking. “I just could have been nicer about it, that’s all. I didn’t handle it well. I’ve never been out-alphaed before. And the truth is—” He looks around at the rowdy guys sharing my table, then leans in closer to whisper in my ear. “The truth is, I liked you taking charge. It was really fucking hot, but I’m not used to liking that sort of thing, so I kind of freaked.”

The proximity of his lips and his warm breath on my ear sends shivers radiating down my spine. My thighs immediately clench in response.

I turn to smile in his direction. “Noted. Anything else?”

He leans forward once more, and I present him my ear. “I have the panties Beau stole from you in my pocket. Washed, of course. Who knows what he did with those things.”

“Thank you! They are some of my favorites.” I put my hand out to reclaim the purloined panties, but Gabe just shakes his head with an evil grin.

“Nope. You have to replace them with another pair. One youwantto give me. Then I’ll give these back.” The sexy, dirty bastard.
