Page 37 of Forbidden Alpha

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“Let’s just hope you don’t have to,” I whisper before pressing a soft kiss to his cheek, praying it won’t be the last.

Because I want to be able to take care of not only them, but also myself. I need to prove to the world I’m worth something, that I can fight my own damn battles.

And today seems like the perfect day to start.

Bright sunshine beams between the thick tree branches, creating starbursts on the concrete bench. The park is only a couple miles from campus and completely out in the open. Jade’s pack didn’t want to meet at a restaurant, so we all agreed that this was the next best thing. There’s still street traffic to kind of keep things from getting out of control due to witnesses, but it’s private enough that no one will overhear our conversation.

Perfect in theory, but Pack Vega is late.

Probably on purpose.

I wouldn’t put it past them to spy on us for a bit. I already know Jade’s pack doesn’t trust me. And I’m sure they don’t trust the alphas I’m with either. Even Theoden, despite being an omega, he still exudes a certain authoritativeness thanks to his professorial position. He also cuts an imposing figure. They probably see the four of us as criminals, considering where we’ve come from.

Another several minutes pass, until finally an enormous vehicle with Nevada plates pulls up to the curb.

“That’s gotta be them.” Theoden sits protectively beside me with his arm over my shoulders. Beau and Gabe stand near the hefty tree trunk of a huge oak, more anxious than I am. Alphas don’t genuinely play well with others outside of their own packs, and my guys and I aren’t even official yet, which makes our position that much more tenuous. It has us all on edge.

Still, this meeting has to happen for all of our sakes. I just wish I’d had the chance to really meet and get to know Jade’s pack under better circumstances. But they live in a different state. And Jade was never on great terms with Mother, especially after she helped Cyan run away from her. My eighteenth birthday party was a big deal for her. It was her return to the family, because even though she hated Mother, she still loved us.Loved me.

The car door slams and I startle, the booming noise coming from the Range Rover like a punch to my chest. A hulking blond man steps from the driver’s side, his eyes narrowing on me even from a hundred feet of distance.

It’s Vette. I recognize him from the few photos and video calls I had with Jade. He is the one who runs their criminal empire. And he looks just as tough as I remember, if not more now that I see him in person. Another man that I recognize from the academy, hops from the passenger seat. Reyes, the one who stole the bunnies and pointed a gun at Theoden, folds his arms over his chest and walks around the Range Rover to stand by Vette’s side. I’m surprised they’re here alone. I had expected her other mates to be with them, but maybe they’re the only ones who traveled from Las Vegas.

I get to my feet, wringing my fingers together. I don’t know how to act, but it takes everything in me not to start crying. Maybe if I cry, it’ll lighten things up. However, a crying alpha could make things worse. My stupid hormones could ruin this meeting before it even gets started.

“Amber, thanks for reaching out to us. I’m sure it was tough to get out of your white-collared prison.” Vette tightens his jaw, his face hardening. “You’re a lucky bitch, you know.”

His words shock me, and I scrunch my nose. What the actual fuck?

“Are you fucking kidding me? Don’t speak to Amber like that. Drakewood isn’t a prison.” Theoden surprises me, standing up and puffing out his chest. His bravado to challenge an alpha like that stirs something inside of me, something that can’t be examined until much, much later.

I hold my hand out to Beau and Gabe, stopping them in their tracks. I lock my other hand around Theoden’s arm, keeping him close to me. The scent of spicy pepper permeates the air, Jade’s pack’s anger heating up their scent.

“Shut the fuck up, omega. This isn’t about you.” He turns cruel eyes toward Gabe and Beau.” Or about them. Now I suggest the three of you take your tiny little pricks back to your car and back to youracademy.This is between Vega and Amber.” Vette growls with his words, stepping closer. He reaches into his jacket, scaring the shit out of me. What the hell is going on? I thought we were here to talk.

“What’s happening here?” I ask, voicing my confusion out loud.

“What did you expect to happen? You murdered Jade. I know everything. I talked to Sage, and she admitted that she was trying to cover up for you. You wanted Jade dead. She refused to let you defraud that other pack so you could live as an omega instead of the fucked-up creature you actually are. When Fernando came for you, she told the truth and you lost your shit. You killed her for taking away the life you wanted, even though it was never yours to have.

She wouldn’t help you, so you killed her.” Vette flares his nostrils, taking another step closer, keeping his hand hidden in his jacket.

Did he just say what I think he said? Mother talked to him? She said that I wanted to be sold off to Pack Fernando as their dirty little plaything? This can’t be happening. She told me not to tell anybody with the struggle, with the gun. Especially not Jade’s pack. And now Vette is here, not looking for answers any longer, but rather revenge. I can see the murder smoldering in his eyes. He wants my blood on his hands. And he’ll do anything to get it.

“Hold on a second. Jade’s death was an accident.” Theoden steps forward, positioning himself between me and Vette. This is not omega behavior, but it is what you do when someone you love is in trouble.

“I don’t know what Sage Steele said to you,” he continued, “but she’s manipulating you, just like she’s done to Amber for years. It’s rather obvious after speaking with the other Steele sisters. Did you even try to reach out to them? Or is one bad word enough for you to destroy an innocent girl?” Theoden tightens his arm around me, pulling me back, putting space between me as Vette continues trying to close it.

Vette growls and lunges forward, snatching the front of my shirt and yanking me out of Theoden’s arms. The sound of the safety clicking off a gun snaps in my ears, and I squeeze my eyes shut. This is it. They’re going to kill me. He’s not even going to take a moment to hear my side of the story. And there’s nothing my guys can do to protect me, not without also putting themselves in harm’s way.

“Please,” I beg, my voice trembling. I’m not against pleading for mercy. “It was an accident. I’d never intentionally hurt Jade or any of my sisters. She got in the way. It was not supposed to be her.” I choke out a sob, my chest heaving with grief and fear.

“Who? Your bitch mom? I don’t care what you meant to do. Only what actually happened. We loved Jade, and you fucking killed her!” Vette hollers, his sharp voice stabbing into me.

“Please, please! It was an accident. I just broke. I can’t remember much. My mom has been lying to me all my life. I had no idea I was an alpha, and she just triggered me. I saw red. I could feel the heat of my anger. I didn’t know what happened until it was too late. I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.” I relax in Vette’s arms, trying my best not to fight against his strength. I couldn’t break away from him even if I wanted to. His fingers bite into my skin. “I didn’t mean to.”

“You’re lying to save your ass! Jade is dead because of you!” Vette roars, the heat of his voice blowing against my ear in a way that turns my stomach. “You killed her.. You need to pay for what you’ve done. You’re a fucking murderer.”

“I’m sorry,” I repeat again. “Please forgive me. I’d do anything to take it all back.”
