Page 38 of Forbidden Alpha

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“You don’t deserve our forgiveness.” Vette releases me, and I fall to the ground, hitting my knees to the grass. “I don’t believe you. I heard everything that your mom said, and it makes perfect sense. You might be able to fool everyone else, but you can’t fool me. You wanted Jade dead.”

I shake my head emphatically. “No.”

“You wanted her dead,” he repeats.

Shadows edge my vision as I tip my head up and stare into the Vette’s gaze. Reyes stands beside him, looking down on me, and I’ve never felt so small in my life. So helpless.

“Just let her go,” Beau says, growling with his words. “You’re making a mistake.”

Vette turns his gun away from me and to Beau. “Fuck off.”

My heart stalls, watching as Vette aims a weapon intended for me at one of the men who care for me most. I embrace the darkness sneaking through me and take advantage of his distraction.

I lunge at him, wrapping my arms around his legs, knocking him off his feet. I punch him in his thigh then his cock and crawl up him, not letting him get away.

I keep hitting him and scratching him.

I can’t stop.

I don’t care who’s watching in this very public place.

I’ve already lost all control.


One minute the guys and I are watching Amber give up and preparing to jump in and save her. The next minute she turns completely feral and damn near pokes the guys eyeball out in our defense.

To say I’m shocked is an understatement.

Vette’s friend comes running to help his buddy, and Theo and Gabe head him off while I try to prevent Amber from committing her second murder this year. And this one would definitely be on purpose.

He’s already relinquished the gun, so I snatch it and shove it in my waistband before I grab my snarling she-demon of a mate off his chest.

“Amber, shh, shh, it’s okay, you’re okay, it’s Beau. I’ve got you, you’re okay.” I have no idea what to say to calm her down, but it seems to be doing the trick. She stops fighting me and instead turns to cling to my chest, her tiny body trembling.

The big blond man is clearly incapacitated, but his friend is busily taking shots at the rest of my pack with giant fists.

Whipping out the gun, I aim it at his chest before whistling loudly. “Hey asshole, the party is over. Or did you not get the memo? Back the fuck up.”

Thinking better of continuing his fisticuffs with the barrel of a 9mm pointed in his direction, he raises both hands and steps back.

“Theo, Gabe, let’s go.” They head my way and each take one of Amber’s arms, shielding her with their bodies as they slide her into the back seat of the car. Theo slams the door and runs around to the driver’s seat.

I keep my weapon pointed at thug number two until I hear the second car door slam, then slowly back up until I can open the passenger door and slip in.

I don’t lower the weapon until we turn a corner and I can no longer see them.

Heaving a massive sigh, I reengage the safety on the handgun before tucking it into the pocket on the door. It’s only then that I hear Amber sobbing in the backseat and Gabe’s whispered attempts to comfort her.

“It’s okay, cherry pie, we’re all safe now. Hush, hush. We’re fine. No one is hurt. Well, except that asshole you took down. He may need a few stitches, thanks to you. Proud of you, by the way.”

“I’m so sorry, it’s all my fault. It was a stupid idea, I don’t know why I thought—”

“No, kitten, it was a brilliant idea,” I disagree gently from the front seat. “The reason it didn’t work is because you are a good fucking person, and thought they would respond like good people would. You couldn’t take into account the meddling of your mother, or that assholes don’t care to listen to reason, they just want revenge.”

Theo nods approvingly. “You know, for a punk kid at a reform school, you have a point.”

“Hey, don’t sound so surprised,” I reply. “That’s been known to happen.”
