Page 39 of Forbidden Alpha

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Amber stifles a giggle, starting to come back into herself after that spontaneous showdown with Pack Vega set her on edge. “Not to my knowledge.”

“Hey, just because you basically just got sold out by your mom and I feel bad for you, don’t think I won’t come back there and show you who the real alpha is.”

The laughter from the back seat is enough to shrink whatever tiny sense of pride I have after disarming Vette and facilitating our escape at gunpoint.

“Yeah, laugh it up, you hyenas,” I grumble, pleased that she’s no longer crying at least.

A small hand musses my hair and pats my shoulder. “Thank you, Beau.”

Warmth floods my chest. “You’re welcome, kitten.”



Me:You’re a fucking bitch. I can’t believe you.

Me:Did you really think you’d get away with all these lies?

Me:Answer the phone.

Me:You’re going to regret this, Mother. No wonder everyone hates you.

Every second that passes feels another one towards a disaster. Things have been too quiet and uneventful the last week. If Warden Black knew we left campus, she never called us out. And we continue to share a dorm, including Theo.

“Amber, is that my phone?” Theoden gives me a once-over from the doorway to his classroom. “How the hell did you get it this time?”

A smirk tugs at my lips, breaking my scowl. We’ve been playing catch with his phone for days, but he likes to take it back after every use, making me ask for it. So I don’t. I sneak it as a game, waiting for him to realize I have it. “I can’t give away all my secrets, can I?” I suppress the ache inside me with a deep breath of Theoden’s fragrance. I learned to pick pockets from Cyan, and Theoden makes it so easy, never denying me affection.

Looking over his shoulder, Theoden checks the hallway. We have a couple minutes before the start of class. It’s kind of been my thing to come early. I can’t help myself. Theoden strides forward and bends down to kiss me on my lips, the sweetness of his mouth like the syrup from waffles at breakfast. I hum and kiss him deeper, grabbing at the front of his button-down shirt.

“Got it,” he mumbles, breaking away from my mouth. He shakes his phone at me. “I think I know your secret. I’ll have to be more aware of your little distractions, huh?”

I roll my eyes and wag my finger, grabbing at him again, getting him to stand between my legs with me in his rolling chair. “You can’t resist me. You should just let me keep it. I’m dying to have my own phone again.”

He pinches my chin softly, holding my gaze. “It’ll be soon enough. You just have to bust your ass for the rest of term. And then this can all be behind us. Your sister’s pack offered me a job in San Diego, by the way, if we want to get out of here. I’m only at Drakewood because of Lacey. There are far better opportunities.”

I blink a few times, my heart fluttering. I haven’t thought much about the future beyond Drakewood, but obviously Theoden has. And why wouldn’t he? He has a lot more faith in me than I do.

I release a soft laugh and grab his belt, pulling him a bit closer. “Who says I’ll pass? If Jade’s pack gets their way, I’ll be killed. I’m just waiting for that to happen. Try not to get too attached to me.” It hurts to say the words, but I can’t help myself. I fucked up. The fight I had with Jade’s pack just made it worse. I proved to them that whatever bullshit lie Mother said could actually be true. Even if it’s not.

I can’t believe she told them I wanted to masquerade as an omega, that I wanted to go with Fernando, that I wanted to kill Jade. It’s all so far from the truth, and yet Jade’s pack clearly believes every single lie that slipped off her silver tongue..

Theoden sighs and lowers himself to his knees, getting on my level. “Don’t talk like that. We will never let that happen. Remember, passing the program here at Drakewood gives you a clean slate.”

I squeeze my eyes shut. “I don’t deserve it.”

The bell for class rings, and I slide off the rolling chair and under his desk, wanting nothing more than to hide from the world. I’m so over acting like it’s going to be okay when it’s not. Jade’s pack proved as much. They want my head on a platter. They want to destroy me all because of something Mother said. I should just enjoy what time I have left before shit explodes.

Voices mutter through the air, and I peek out. Theoden leaves me under his desk to hand out papers as students filter in. No one notices me hiding, and he doesn’t bother to tell me to get out. He wouldn’t now. It would draw too much attention, and even though I’m sure some students suspect we’ve been hooking up, we’re not going to confirm that rumor for them. There aren’t rules here anyway. We all have shades of morally gray thoughts. Warden Black has been letting him get away with far more than anyone would, and I know it’s because she’s happy for her brother. For how long? I don’t know. She may regret it, though. No good thing in my life has ever lasted.

“Everyone put your things away. This is a surprise test.” Theoden’s voice bellows through the room, drawing attention to him.

The class groans, and I pull my knees up to my chest, thankful that no one can see me hiding in the area beneath his heavy wooden desk. Because I don’t feel like seeing anyone right now. I want to wallow in self-pity.

That is, until Theoden sits in his rolling chair and scoots forward, filling the space.

“You’ll have the entire hour, and if you finish early, you’re free to go.” Theoden reaches his hand out and caresses my cheek with his fingers. “Anyone who fails will be able to do a makeup test next week, but it will be twice as long. So it’ll be far better for you to just focus on passing this one.”
