Page 46 of Forbidden Alpha

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He’s right. And I’ll keep fighting to keep this. I know that life always tries to fuck me, but I accept the challenge. It’ll make this all so much worth it.

I’mworth this happiness. My guys have shown me again and again. No matter what happens next, we will always have each other.

And that’s the most fucking beautiful thing in all the world.



I’ve had a surprisingly sunny outlook on life since moving into the family apartment with my guys. Now that I can imagine my life as an alpha with a freshly-minted pack of my own, the courses at Alpha Academy take on an entirely new value in my eyes. I’m actually enjoying learning how to manage pack finances, not to mention my anger issues.

Sleeping in a room with a lock does wonders for one’s sense of security, too. Having three sexy men at my beck and call doesn’t hurt, either.

If the other students have opinions about our new status, I don’t hear a whisper of them in the halls. Instead, I exist on a blissful cloud of love, with the deep sense of belonging I’ve always craved. I always thought that was my omega nature, needing to be needed. Needing to feel cherished and protected by a group of men who would do anything for me.

Now I know that is something everyone feels. Perhaps my former life, being raised as an omega, biased me to the realities of life for others. I couldn’t imagine an alpha feeling the kind of need that now dwells in my chest for all of my pack mates. Yes, obviously I would care for my irresistible omega professor. But I feel just as deeply about my two alpha mates. My desire for them is no less than what I feel for Theoden, and something about the four of us, together, feels so incredibly right.

And now, my mind is entirely on how the four of us will spend our Friday night. Carnal images of our nightly activities flash through my mind, and I start to question how I’ll survive Omega Studies until I get to see them. Given Theoden’s abrupt leave of absence, a full-time replacement hasn’t been found for his class. Instead the course is now administered via independent study, and each student has been scheduled to work at a different time to ensure we are focusing on our course work and not slacking off. I hate being apart from them for even just this short period, not just because I miss them but also because sitting unsupervised makes me nervous. Pack Vega has broken past the gates before. They could very easily do it again.

These concerns flee my brain as soon as I approach the second floor classroom and discover it’s closed, with a paper taped to the dark window. Laser-printed lettering outlines instructions on chapters to read for a pop quiz next week and tells me to enjoy my weekend.

Well, that’s odd. Why would my independent study be canceled? It’s not like it requires anything of anyone besides me.

A sudden concern for Theoden’s well being floods my chest, and I turn and sprint down the corridor to the family apartments. My moony thoughts from a moment before are gone, now replaced with images of Jade’s pack invading the campus and exacting their revenge on mine.

I’ve been so naive. Feeling love and acceptance for the first time in my life—other than from my sisters, of course—has me distracted to a dangerous level. Every waking second I’m flipping back and forth between comfortable joy and a terrifying anxiety. Life would be so perfect if only…

If only I hadn’t killed my sister.

If only my mother hadn’t lied to her pack.

If only they weren’t biding their time until they can gain access to me.

If only I knew I would survive the term. I unlock the apartment door with shaking hands to find all three of my mates, safe and apparently unharmed, waiting for me.

“What’s going on? Is everything okay?” My racing heart struggles to accept the lack of danger as I search their faces for signs of distress.

Theoden smiles sheepishly, and Beau thwacks him on the arm. “I knew she’d freak out. You should have just told her.”

“Yes, well, that kind of negates the ‘surprise’ aspect.” Theoden rubs his arm with a slight wince. “I’m sorry, Amber. We wanted to surprise you—a good surprise—but I see now with everything going on it might have been better to be more direct.”

Gabe crosses to where I stand in the doorway and slides his arms around my shoulders, planting a kiss on my forehead. “Everything is okay, cherry pie. We just wanted to do something nice for you. We didn’t mean to scare you.”

My heart begins to slow down, and I look the room over carefully, searching for this ‘nice thing.’ It’s only now I realize that all three of them are dressed up, not a sweater vest, tie, or school uniform in sight. Theo wears flat-front chinos with a crisp black button-down that matches his hair and makes his blue eyes pop. Both Beau and Gabe sport black dress pants, but Gabe has gone with a gray shirt while Beau wears a light blue one. They’re all neat and squeaky clean, and my mouth waters as a sudden desire to rip their clothes off and drag them all to bed overtakes my thoughts. Their scents permeate the room, set off by my lust.

Struggling to control my deep-seated desire, I puff a breath, forcing reality to crash back down on us. “You all look incredibly sexy, but I’m still in my uniform, and what exactly do you want to do in fifty minutes? Beau and I have Anger Management after this.”

“Nah, we’re free for the weekend. The good professor here,” Beau punches Theo in the arm again, lighter this time, “got us out of our classes for the afternoon.”

“And you look great, as always, but we did procure something for you to wear, just in case you’d like to change,” Theoden adds. He lifts a hanger from the back of our bedroom door and brings it around, revealing a satiny black dress, sure to hug my curves in all the right places.

A bubble of excitement rises in my throat. “Are we going to a swanky restaurant or something? Somewhere off campus?”

Theo’s smile dips slightly. “Unfortunately, my sister wouldn’t allow it. But we’ve set up something that I hope you will find equally enjoyable.”

“Okay.” I slide out of Gabe’s embrace and step forward to take the dress, planting a kiss on Theo’s lips. “I’ll be quick.”

A flurry of butterflies takes up residence in my stomach as I change and touch up my makeup in the privacy of our bedroom suite while the guys wait in the living room. We aren’t leaving campus, but they’ve obviously planned something nice. I can’t recall one time someone has done something nice, something that’s just for me. Mother’s antics were always more to her benefit than my own, and we were all expected to just go along with it for the good of the pack. Manifesting as an omega was meant to signal our escape, where we’d be cherished and pampered and finally receive the reward for the sacrifices we made growing up.
