Page 47 of Forbidden Alpha

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And now here I am, not an omega, but with a pack doting on me all the same.

Smiling to myself, I slip on the sleek wedge heels my men thoughtfully provided and try to imagine what they could have set up within the bounds of the school campus.

When I emerge from the bedroom, the guys immediately stand. Three sets of eyes hungrily devour every inch of my body, and Theo’s delicious berry scent saturates the air, adding mouthwatering notes of caramel.

“Easy guys,” Gabe teases, “if you don’t rein yourselves in, we won’t even make it to the surprise before she drags us all off to bed.” He eyes me with a smirk. “Though I wouldn’t mind.”

I swallow down my own rising desire. “He’s not wrong. Chop-chop. Let’s get a move on, away from the bedroom…for now,” I add with a wink.

“Of course, we don’t want you to miss out on your surprise,” Theoden’s voice deepens in a rich, buttery tone that sends shivers up my spine. “Beau, do you have it?”

“Right here.” Beau lifts a satin cloth, folded over several times to make a long strip. He approaches me with a smirk, then sticks out an elbow. “My lady, please allow me to escort you.”

We leave the apartment, flanked by the other two, and make our way to the exit door.

“Now,” Beau starts, “to get the full effect, we’re going to blindfold you for a short walk to our final destination. He lifts the fabric roll and lays it over my eyes, tying it gently in the back.

I giggle nervously. “But what if I trip? I can’t see a thing.”

Two warm hands take each of mine, tucking them into the firm crook of a shirted elbow on each side. “Don’t worry, cherry pie,” Gabe whispers in my right ear. “We’ve got you.”

“We won’t let anything happen to you, Amber,” Theoden adds from the left.

My senses heighten from the lack of visual information, and their breath on my skin raises goosebumps across my exposed back. I hear the exterior door creak open, and then they tug gently on my arms, guiding me outside.

It’s an interesting practice in trust, allowing these men to march me forward to the unknown. The sun warms my skin, but a chill fall breeze reminds me we’re well out of summer weather now. Even so, the heat from their bodies engulfs me on all sides. The ground starts out hard and solid, but then we begin crossing uneven terrain, something softer like a lawn or field. We walk for nearly fifteen minutes, and I’m beginning to wonder where we could possibly be when we stop abruptly.

No one says a word, and I restrain my typical snark in favor of enjoying the atmosphere they’re attempting to create. Hands tug on the knotted scarf, and in a few seconds, it drops from my eyes.

We’ve stopped at some corner of the campus I’m not familiar with. A large copse of trees shelters the area, and I spot a small table in the center. Mossy bricks form a patio of sorts, and twinkling lights glitter in the branches above.

Four cushion-topped chairs surround a wrought-iron table, laden with trays of bite-sized food. Some are delicate hors d’oeuvres and tiny iced cakes, and some appear to be small bowls of fruit and other snack foods.

My eyes rove over the entire setting, too stunned for words. The sun crawls toward the horizon behind me, making the lights above shine even more brightly in the shadows.

“So… what do you think?” Beau’s gentle voice rumbles right behind my ear. “We tried to come up with all the things your sisters recommended, like the sweets, and added in some of our favorite things.”

“We wanted to show you that even though you’re not an omega, there’s no reason we can’t treat you to anything you desire,” Gabe adds on my right.

“Come on.” Theo tugs my left hand gently. “Let’s go sit and enjoy the sunset.”

I know I should say something, but at this moment, I can’t find words, and I’m terrified that if I make one sound, anything I attempt to say will devolve into tears. I’d given up the idea of being a pampered omega, and yet again, the guys prove themselves to show me that omegas aren’t the only ones deserving of pampering.

My guys know that as much as I’ve tried to focus on the good things we have together, I still have trouble forgetting the danger Pack Vega poses to all of us. They were there when I woke up crying, terrified at any moment this would all be snatched away from me. And worst of all, this constant vigilance keeps my sister’s death at the forefront of my mind. I’m sandwiched between a traumatic past and an uncertain future. Yet here are the members of my fledgling pack, reminding me that life can dole out good moments just as often as it gives bad. They are here to see me through whatever happens next, and I know it’s okay to enjoy these moments together.

Once I’m settled on a cushion, Beau pulls an icy bottle of Coke from a small cooler.

Affecting a haughty accent, he says, “Unfortunately, the school wouldn’t approve wine, but I have the finest vintage Coca Cola here, madame, 2022, a very fine year. May I?”

I giggle and nod, still not trusting myself to speak, and Beau cracks the top before pouring the fizzy drink into a long-stemmed wine glass.

“What would you like to try first, Amber?” Theoden’s adoring gaze makes my heart flutter, and I point to the bowl of sweets which draws a hearty laugh from his lips.

“Sweet like you,” he teases and hands me the bowl.

“You’re too much.” The power of the sweets has finally enabled me to speak as I cram one into my mouth, moaning my enjoyment loudly. “Thank you. All of you.” I wash the bite of cake down with a sip of Coke then reach for the fruit.

“Uh-uh, that’s not how this goes.” Gabe takes the bowl from me, but I manage to grab a strawberry and shove it into my mouth first, glaring at him defiantly. “We’re supposed to be serving you, cherry pie. What do you want next?”
