Page 52 of Forbidden Alpha

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If there is one thing I know for sure, it’s that this is definitely not the way home. We don’t live anywhere that would require unpaved roads to reach.

An icy sliver of fear continues worming its way through my gut. Did she follow through on her threat to give me to Pack Fernando? I know they have a hideout somewhere in the woods, although I never wanted to know too much.

My eyes dart to greasy Edward beside me, and he leers menacingly in my direction. His words resurface in my brain:when I’m done with you…

Images of myself chained to a wall in some dank dungeon flood my mind.

No! This can’t be the end. I refuse to surrender, especially now that I’ve finally found my place. My pack.

Think, Amber, think.I need more information. I can’t come up with a plan if I have nothing to work with.

The silence continues to be punctuated by the send and receive noises from Mother’s phone. God, it always annoyed the shit out of me that she didn’t keep her phone on silent like a normal person.

What time is it?

Who the fuck could she be texting this much, anyway? If it was one of my dads, they’d just call, and I can’t imagine she’d want to talk to them right now. She certainly couldn’t let them know what she’s up to, their perfect omega matriarch who moves her kids around like chess pieces, always willing to offer one up in sacrifice like a pawn. She’s like some evil villain with an empire to run, but she never does it over text. She doesn’t like to have a record of what she promises, in case the deal goes sour.

The realization hits me like a lightning bolt. There is only one person she’d be texting.

After Sapphire manifested, Mother apparently forgot how poorly she treated my sister in the years between her golden era as a pop star and joining a wealthy southern pack. Sapphire kept her at arm’s length for a while, but she’d always been Mother’s favorite and received far more attention than any of my other sisters had growing up. I didn’t blame her for allowing Mother to worm her way back in. Her pattern of disapproval interspersed with tender moments makes us crave even the tiniest kindness like an addict craves drugs.

Either way, I know Mother would only go to the extraordinary length of texting to stay in contact with Sapphire. But how can I use this to my advantage?

“How is Sapphire?” I ask sweetly, knowing it’s Mother’s favorite topic other than herself.

“She’s doing well. Her new album launches next month, and they’re already planning a tour for next summer,” she replies with a smug tone. “They’re waiting until the baby is old enough to travel, and the whole pack is going along to help. Even Jasper.”

“That’s great! I’m so happy things worked out so well for her.” I release a long, dramatic sigh. “I really miss her. I haven’t talked to Sapphire in ages.”

There’s a pause in keystroke noises from the phone, and I can practically hear the gears turning in Mother’s head. “Well… I suppose I could call her.”

My heart jumps. Yes! If she’d allow me to talk to Sapphire, she must not be planning on disposing of me completely. Maybe she’s just going to have Pack Fernando hold me for a few weeks until things cool down with Jade’s pack.

“Oh, would you?” I made an effort to make my voice all delicate and fluttery. “I’d love to hear her voice.”

“I can put her on speaker, so you can say hello. But you should know, I’ve told her you’re moving to Australia with your pack, and that you’re flying out tomorrow. It would be very upsetting to her if you were to say anything else. And we don’t want to upset a pregnant woman, do we?”

My earlier elation drops like a stone in my gut. If she told Sapphire I’m moving to Australia, it’s so she doesn’t expect to be able to get a hold of me for a long time.

Weakly, I ask, “How far along is she?”

“Oh, she’s past the scariest bits, just a few weeks from giving birth now.”

“Wow, that’s exciting,” I murmur. “Of course I don’t want to upset her, but I would still like to speak to her.”

“Very well.” Mother taps a few buttons on her phone, and then an electronic ringing noise fills the cabin of the SUV. Mother holds her phone aloft so the speaker can pick up my voice from the back.

Hot tears well in my eyes. So thisisit. Mother is literally granting me one last phone call, though not even to the people I’d most want to say goodbye to.

“Hello? Mama?” Sapphire’s sweet voice replaces the ringing.

“Hey, Saph, it’s me, Amber,” I force myself to smile to lift the tone of my voice.

“Hey, Amber! So good to hear from you! Mama told me the news, that’s great. I’m so happy for you!”

“Yeah, it’s pretty… surprising how quickly things happen.”

“Oh, don’t I know it? It was such a whirlwind when I manifested and met my pack, too. Of course I imagine it’s a little different for you, being an alpha and all. But still, Australia! So what made that professor of yours give up his spot at Drakewood? I thought you were doing well there?”
