Page 53 of Forbidden Alpha

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Mother cuts me off. “He’s going to research for his doctorate at a university down there. They hope the school will take him on as a professor after that.”

“That sounds like such an adventure! I can’t wait to hear all about it.” Sapphire is apparently completely without suspicion that anything was amiss.

“Yeah, we’re all really looking forward to what life has in store for us,” I reply with faltering enthusiasm.

“Well, I know at the school you weren’t allowed much internet access but I expect to see lots of photos once you’re ‘down unda!’ ” She chuckles. “I suppose you won’t be able to come back for the birth of my baby, but at least we’ll be able to video chat.”

Mother turns to look at me sharply, tilting her head to the phone.

I stare at Mother while I agree wholeheartedly. “Yeah, that would be great, Saph. Can’t wait.”

“Oh, great. I just miss you. I wish I could have seen you before you leave, but it’s rather sudden and air travel isn’t really good in my condition.”

The threatening tears spill over all at once, and it’s work to keep the tremble from my voice. “Yeah, I understand. We had to move quickly on the offer. But I hope we can come back and see you soon.”

“Well, we had better let Amber finish packing up,” Mother interrupts. “I’ll call you tomorrow, Sapphire. Get lots of rest and tell those men of yours to kiss the belly for me!” They continue their goodbyes, and I settle back in my seat to await my doom.

It is disturbing how swiftly she switches from being an absolute terror to the sweetest woman on earth. I’d seen it first-hand growing up, but it’s still difficult to wrap my head around. The rest of us had bucked Mother’s authority at a young age and quickly had the wool pulled from our eyes about her true nature. But Sapphire was always eager to please our mother, and I guess for that she continued to receive the carrots instead of the sticks.

My life has been mostly sticks.

Case in point, me, in the back of this SUV, about to be handed off to Pack Fernando for good because I couldn’t be mother’s perfect omega.

Sighing, I stare out the window and try to think of some way, any way, to get myself out of this.



Finally, we rumble up to a dilapidated shack with another SUV parked in the weak light of a single outdoor bulb. The driver makes a point of backing into a spot before he kills the engine.

There’s no sense in trying to escape at this point; I have no idea where I am, and a satin dress with wedges is not exactly survival gear. I wouldn’t make it far even if I did run.

When the vehicle stops, I slide through Edward’s side to exit, since mine is child locked. The greasy henchman lifts his phone and mutters, “We’re here,” while Mother primly exits from the front navigator seat, and we stand before the front door, waiting.

A moment later, the noise of several locks being opened sounds from the solid metal door before it swings open. Warm light spills through the doorway, and another enormous man, this one red-haired with a scar over one eye, nods deferentially to Mother as he holds the door open. His gaze locks to mine, sending my heart crashing to my stomach. I hate this. I hate everything about this. I should’ve known Mother would’ve never let me have a happy life. Drakewood was supposed to be a punishment. The moment she realized I was happy there, she did everything she could to stop it.

She struts through, and Edward pokes me in the back to get me moving.

Once we’re all inside, the red-haired man secures all the locks again, and I note that there are three deadbolts and one heavy-duty-looking chain.

I’m apprehensive at first, but quickly realize this is not the torture chamber I imagined. Instead, it’s a cute little vacation house, if a little rustic. Everything is wood, from the floors to the walls, even the ceiling is golden pine. The kitchen table and hard chairs match, and down a few steps is a living room with a few worn-in sofas surrounding a charcoal-stained stone fireplace.

Overall, the atmosphere is warm and cozy, like an old couple’s fishing cabin.

Its kitschy appearance is no guarantee there’s not a dungeon hidden in the basement, but I’ll take it over the atrocities I’d pictured since regaining consciousness.

“Go down there and sit, and don’t try anything stupid,” Edward spits at me, with a shooing gesture like I’m a petulant child begging for candy.

Mother has already seated herself at the table, and the driver is busily fixing her coffee. The sheer power she holds over these men continues to astound me.

Preferring my own company, I have no problem moving toward the crackling fire and sitting close enough for the flames to warm my fingertips. I scan the room for weapons, noting the fireplace poker and a few other things that could be handy in a pinch, but nothing that can stop speeding bullets and I know these men are all packing. So, I have some options in a life-or-death situation but not much hope of escape.

For now.

Settling into the couch, I glance up at the kitchen area to keep tabs on my captors. Mother is sipping her coffee, Red is tending to Edward’s broken nose, and the driver has a phone to his ear, listening intently.
