Page 62 of Forbidden Alpha

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“Welcome to the Happiest Place on Earth!” I shout as I thrust my arms out and spin in circles.

Beau runs at me then hoists me into his arms and spins me some more. Crowds rush excitedly over the stone bridge, the iconic melody of my childhood favorite songs blaring through the air.

Gabe points at the massive structure straight ahead, sparkling in the sunlight. “We should build our house exactly like that someday. It suits you.”

I giggle and playfully hit him on the shoulder after Beau sets me back on my feet. “That’s Sleeping Beauty’s castle, silly.”

“Are you not our princess?” he challenges with one eyebrow raised.

“She’s our queen,” Theoden corrects, lacing his fingers with mine. He drops to a knee and kisses my knuckles. “Queen Amber, long may she reign.”

Beau puts a hand over his heart and attempts to bow while Gabe grabs my free hand. The three of them laugh, gaining the attention of some onlookers. I pull Theoden up and open my arms for my pack, my excitement permeated in a magical scent as alluring as theirs.

“Where are we meeting your sisters?” Theoden asks, shading his eyes, peering around.

“At Thunder Mountain. It was our favorite growing up. C’mon.” I lead the way, tugging my three mates from the main street and into an old-timey western town fitting for a train roller coaster. Soon, the rustic mountain of the rider pops into view as a long train full of people races by at lightning speed.

I watch until they reach the end. Sometimes life can feel like a roller coaster, but no ride lasts forever. I’ve had more than my fair share of turns and dips in that train. Now I’m ready to settle down in Sleeping Beauty’s castle with my three princes. No wicked mother in sight.

Sapphire sees me first, rushing forward to envelop me in a wide hug. Her pregnant belly creates a buffer between us, making it hard for me to wrap my arms fully around her and we both laugh. “Welcome back from Oz. Did the wizard give you everything you asked for?” she jokes.

“We both know I was never there.” I glance toward each of my guys in turn. “But yes, the wizard gave me my heart.”

Sapphire squeals. “I love seeing you so happy, Amber. It’s about damn time.”

I drop my gaze. “I’m sorry about Mother,” I mutter. Of all my sisters, Sapphire was the only one who ever had any kind of positive relationship with the woman who birthed us.

“I’m sorry she had such a cold heart.” Sapphire sniffs. “When she was warm, it was like the sun shining on you alone. I wish you could have known that version of her. Even though I did, I can never forgive her for what she did to any of you. In the end, I’d say she got exactly what she deserved.”

I don’t have time to say anything before Violet and Scarlett rush over with open arms.

“There she is, the girl who slayed a fucking monster,” Scarlett shrieks, never one to mince words.

I hug them both, wishing we could focus on them meeting my pack and not on the fact that mother is gone.

“How much longer are you staying with Scarlett?” I ask Violet. “Your pack must be missing you like crazy.”

“Let’s just say I’ve become very adept at phone sex,” she says with a suggestive wink. “They understand that you needed me close by, and it’s given me a great chance to spend time with Rory and her pack. They understand.”

Rory is Violet’s biological daughter. Mother may have come for my life, but she tried very hard to destroy Violet emotionally. She hid her accidental pregnancy and then had Pack Fernando take her baby away before she ever got the chance to hold her. Luckily, Rory was adopted by a fantastic local pack, who has welcomed Violet into their lives with open arms. I’m glad they had these weeks together. It makes me feel far less guilty about Violet spending so much time in California while her pack was at home in Alaska.

Cyan appears next. “Should we take a ride for old time’s sake?” she asks, gesturing toward Thunder Mountain with gusto. “Well, except for the expectant,” she smirks. “Maybe ‘It’s a Small World’ is a better choice.”

“Not until we’re all here,” I say firmly.

Seven sisters. Five of us have now been reunited. One has been forever lost.

The last is so late, I worry she isn’t coming, but Scarlett brushes my concern aside. “She’ll get here when she gets here. You know Raven.” And indeed I do. But I also owe Raven a heartfelt thank you for sweet-talking Pack Fernando into revealing my location after Mother tore me away from my guys with the intent of killing me.

Theoden steps forward, hand extended. “It’s so nice to finally meet you all in person. I’m Theoden Hudson, former professor and devoted omega.”

“A professor? You don’t say? I hate to break it to you, but your sweater vest gave you away,” Cyan quips before bypassing his handshake and going straight in for a hug.

I guess it’s time for introductions.

“Beau Richards, Gabe Gladwell.” I point to each of my guys in turn, then face my sisters who are standing in a semi-circle before us. I introduce them from left to right. “You both know Violet and Scarlett. Meet Sapphire and Cyan.”

“And Raven!” my missing sister shouts, arriving on the scene with her usual dramatic flair. “What’s up, bitches?”
