Page 63 of Forbidden Alpha

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I run through the introductions again.

Violet attempts to make small talk with Theoden. “I knew a male omega once,” she says wistfully. “His name was Duncan, and he was a good friend to me.”

“Enough with the drudgery.” Cyan groans with obvious irritation. “Let’s ride some rides. I’ve been dying to go on Pirates.”

I laugh. “Of course you have.”

We move our conversation to the long line that wraps around several pylons. Excitement buzzes through the air, and I can’t stop smiling.

“Have the dads reached out to you at all?” Sapphire asks me softly, perhaps to keep the others from hearing.

I shake my head. They didn’t try to stop Mother while she was alive, and they haven’t tried to apologize for her since she died.

“The dads?” Raven asks in a far-too-loud voice despite Sapphire’s attempts to be discreet. “I heard they’ve already got a new profile up on Can you believe that shit?”

“But Mama’s only been dead for a week, if that,” Sapphire says, bringing a hand to her chest in surprise like a true Southern belle.

“She was their omega for nearly twenty-five years,” Violet whispers and shakes her head.

“Do you think this means we’ll have more sisters soon?” Cyan asks with a shudder.

Raven shrugs callously. “Honestly, they’re probably glad to be rid of her. I mean we are, aren’t we?”

Nobody says anything to confirm or deny that sentiment, but we all know Raven is right.

“Did Pack Fernando tell you that? About the dads?” I ask her.

“Yup,” she says, puckering her lips and popping thePsound.

“Okay, okay, enough about the past. Can we please talk about the three very handsome men we have present here today?” Scarlett gestures toward my guys who are standing awkwardly nearby as they watch my sisters and me share gossip.

“Have you made it official? Registered your pack?” Violet asks me while smiling benignly at my guys.

“Not yet,” Theoden pipes up, stepping forward with an air of authority he hasn’t quite managed to shake despite the fact that he’s no longer teaching. “Beau and Gabe both need to finish their term at Drakewood before they’re allowed to join a pack.”

“What about Amber?” Raven asks suspiciously.

Theo smiles at me. “Well, now that she’s no longer required to complete the program at Drakewood, she’s welcome to join any pack she likes.”

“But at least three alphas are needed to legally form a pack, and the other two are tied up for the moment. We can wait. It’s just a piece of paper. It doesn’t change anything.” I pull my guys close to me. “We belong to each other, now and forever.”

“I see the bites! Damn, golden girly. Viciously erotic,” Scarlett enthuses.

“Ew, stop.” Sapphire crinkles her nose, then breaks into a smile. “Nah, just giving you a hard time. I’m so happy for you!”

“What will you name your new pack?” Cyan asks once everyone has thrown their congrats at us like a burst of confetti.

“Well, that should be obvious, shouldn’t it?” I ask with a sad smile. “We’re going to register as Pack Jade.”


I love seeing Amber with her sisters. It proves that her childhood wasn’t completely loveless. The trials these women have faced have only served to make their bonds that much stronger. Bonds of Steele, just like their name would suggest.

There are a million rides to enjoy at Disneyland, but we spend the whole day in Amber’s favorite part of the park, riding Thunder Mountain, Pirates, and Haunted Mansion again and again. It seems the sisters also want to celebrate and remember the good in their shared past.

We spend a lot of time waiting in line, which gives me plenty of time to talk to each of the Steele sisters one at a time. Beau, I notice, falls into the same pattern, while Theoden spends much of his time speaking with Scarlett in particular, though I have no idea what about.

Meanwhile, each and every one of the women threatens me in shockingly colorful ways if I should ever let down their baby sister. My favorite is Cyan who threatens to cut off my balls with a rusty Swiss army knife. Lucky for me, I don’t have to take her threat of castration seriously.
