Page 111 of Lips On My Heart

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“Safe travels to hell, motherfucker,” Flay says under his breath. “No one fucks withourfirst lady.”

“But Josephine—” I start.

“Is fine,” Flay reassures me. “Breathing and has a pulse. She’s only passed out.”

I rush to her side and hold her in my arms, thanking God that she’s okay. Flay rips open an ammonia pack and holds it under her nose. Josephine’s eyes fly open, and her mouth takes gulps of air.

Filled with relief, I cradle her to my chest and let the tears fall. The rest of the crew surround us, eager to see my woman. Josephine looks up at me and starts sobbing.

“I’ve got you, pixie. I’ve got you,” I say as I take all of her in. Her lips are swollen, and the skin around them is red from where the tape was applied to her delicate face. A giant welt covers her right cheek where he must have hit her. Bruises cover her arms and her legs. My heart drops to my stomach when she winces in my arms and grabs at her side.

“Flay!” I yell.

Flay drops to her side. “What hurts, Jo?”

“M-M-My ribs. He kicked me,” she pants between hoarse sobs.

Flay goes to lift up her dress, to assess the damage, and stops. “That fucker better be dead,” he growls. “About face!” he shouts to our crew.

My men turn around, surrounding us with a sea of their backs.

I look down and see her panties have been removed, and her hips and thighs are bruised where fingers and hands dug into her soft flesh. Farther up her body, a giant bruise covers the entire left side of her rib cage. “Did he—” I choke out in pain, gazing into the face of the only woman I’ve ever loved.

Josephine sobs. “I—I don’t know. He was trying to, and I was fighting him. He hit me. He choked me, and then I don’t remember!” She wails and covers her face with her hands.

Desperate, I look at Flay.

Flay shakes his head. “I can’t tell. She needs a pelvic exam at the hospital and to have a rape kit done,” he seethes.

My control snaps. “Bring me the driver!”

Brass brings him forward. The guy looks distressed, but I feel no mercy at all standing to tower over him. I point at my beautiful woman. “Did he violate her?”

The guy squirms in Brass’s grip, but my brother holds him tight.

“Did he rape her?” I scream in his face. All my men hiss in anger.

The guy pisses himself. “He was trying, man. I told him not to hurt her. He promised he wouldn’t, but he was forcing himself on her. I don’t know if he got that far because you and the rest of your guys got to us right after.”

Relief washes over me, but I will encourage Josephine to have the rape kit done as a precaution. For her own health, she needs to know, and if the fucker isn’t dead, it will be used to build a fucking huge case against him.

“Tell the cops I’m rushing her to the hospital. They can question her after we get her checked out,” I tell Gauge. I pick my beautiful woman off the road.

She buries her face in my chest and I cradle her. I will get her the medical care Flay says she needs, and after I will hold her in my arms until she feels whole and safe again. Hell, who am I kidding? I’ll never let go of her again.

I buckle her into my SUV and spin the vehicle around across the highway, heading north back into Fort Collins. All of my men follow on their bikes behind us. They care as much about their first lady as I do.
