Page 17 of Lips On My Heart

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Back on the highway, I swear my heartstrings pull me closer to Josephine.I’ll be with you soon, Pixie.

When we pull up to our rental, the crew is already partying and it’s only noon. I have six hours before I can have Josephine back in my arms. I decide to take my bike into the garage, tune it up and polish it down. Got to keep it right and tight if Josephine is going to be riding with me.

Chase comes out to the garage, grabbing two beers from the fridge, and sits by me. He hands me one of them. I pull Josephine’s business card from my back pocket and hand it to him along with my phone.

“I was wondering when you would ask me to set up tracking on her,” Chase says, turning towards the bench to fire up his laptop. “I know this is standard procedure for any of our crew members, but she better not fuck up my tech room in the clubhouse if she finds out about this, because I’ll come after you.”

I laugh out loud before returning to work on my bike. “I owe you one. Might as well gather any intel on her for me when you’re running the background check. I want to know anything and everything, especially about this fucking ex of hers.”

“Uh-huh,” Chase mumbles as he works, his tattooed knuckles flying across the keys.

After working in silence for well over an hour, Chase clears his throat. “You’re really into this chick, hey?”

It was hard enough admitting to Gauge about my bizarre feelings for Josephine, and I’m not sure if I’m ready to open up to Chase as well. I’m still trying to figure it out for myself. I look over my shoulder at Chase, who has stopped working, waiting for my answer. Chase is one of my brothers and third-in-command. I can be upfront with him.

Grinding my teeth, I look back at my bike to avoid his reaction. “Yeah, I dig her,” I say, wiping the grease from my hand on a rag.

Chase snorts. “Not sure if I should say congratulations or give you my condolences.”

I laugh before turning back and deciding to joke with him. “Wait ‘till it happens to you, man.”

“Fat fucking chance. With you out of the running, there’s more pussy for me,” he says with a salacious grin.

Shaking my head, I finish wiping down my bike before picking up my beer to take a long swig. I grab a seat at the work bench next to Chase.

“She’s fucking hot, Atlas,” he murmurs beside me.

My eyes narrow and I lower my beer, glowering at my brother. Chase puts his hands up in surrender, pointing at his computer screen. “Don’t fucking kill me for stating the obvious, man.”

I crack my neck, trying to roll off my sudden anger toward Chase, and lean over to look at the screen. There’s my beautiful girl in multiple pictures, no doubt taken from her social media accounts. Many are of her at the beach. There are some of her doing a road race of sorts, with a man running alongside her. Others have her posing with groups of various people, maybe family, maybe friends or coworkers.

Aside from her, there’s one repeating figure in over half of the pictures—a baby-faced tool of a man who looks like he would get blown over if you breathed on him. Tall, but nowhere near my six-five, and lanky, with dirty-blond hair and dull-blue eyes. Dressed like a fucking uptight priss. Bet he has Palmolive hands, too.

Feeling pretty good in comparison to this preppy weakling ex-boyfriend of hers, I sit back in my chair and smirk. If this is who my pixie dated before, I’ve fucking won gold. I will give hereverythingshe has been missing. I will more than make up for where he neglected her sweet body and soul.

“I didn’t even need to hack into her social media accounts. She has everything public. She should make this stuff private.” Chase shakes his head in disbelief. “I can do it from here, but she would eventually notice.”

Concerned, my brows pull together. She really needs to be more careful with these sorts of things. “I’ll figure out a way to bring up social media privacy with her.” I know I won’t feel at ease until she changes her settings.

Chase hands my phone back and points to the screen. “It’s the same app we use for all our men.”

My thumb hits the app and I see she’s at home, which brings me comfort, knowing where she is. Part of me knows tracking her is wrong, but the bigger, more protective part of me justifies my actions as being sound. If I’m getting involved on any level more than my typical one-night stand, it’s crucial for her safety. I’m on too many people’s hit lists not to have eyes on her at all times.

Chase gives me a pointed look. “You know you’ll have to tell her you’re tracking her phone.”

I nod. “If this shit gets serious, I’ll tell her. There’s no sense in having her freak out now. This is for her protection, and she won’t understand at the moment.”

“Probably not.” Chase juts his chin out toward my cell. “I took the liberty of changing your backdrop and lock screen, too.”

Swiping around on my phone, I see Chase added a beach picture of my pixie in a skimpy white bikini as my new wallpaper. Yeah, I totally know why Chase blurted out she’s hot. This image alone is enough to keep me company on my future missions away from her. “Thanks, brother.”

“Anytime, brother,” Chase says, closing his laptop and taking a pull from his beer. “I’ve given you access to her private emails, social media accounts, text messages, contacts, bank accounts, medical records, etc.”

“Jesus! I didn’t ask for all of that.”

Chase rolls his eyes at me. “You told me anything and everything. I delivered. Don’t act like you’re not curious and wouldn’t snoop anyways. I saved you time and the risk of getting caught. It’s not like you wouldn’t demand to see this shit from her when this thing you two have turns out to be something. If you don’t want to dig through her stuff, it’s cool, but if you need to for whatever reason, you have access.”

Gnawing on my lip, I’m torn with what to do with all this information. I don’t need access to everything in Josephine’s life, but now that I have it, I’m not going to turn it back over to Chase. I should keep it in case of an emergency. This way I keep it all in the palm of my hand—easy entrance when needed.Yeah, this totally makes sense.
