Page 18 of Lips On My Heart

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Chase takes another sip from his beer before waving at his computer. “This shit was too easy to hack into. I’ll make sure we ramp up her security in the cyber world. At a quick glance, everything in the background looks pretty normal, nothing stood out as concerning, aside from the crap that went down at her old place of employment in California. Oh, and maybe our favorite Italian mobster, Lorenzo, for who she did some work about nine months ago, but she seems to be holding her own with the douchebag. ”

My head snaps up from my phone. “What shit went down at her old work? Wait, don’t tell me, I’ll ask her.” But I can’t help myself. “How bad was it?”

Chase shakes his head. “Her ex, Jacob Klein, screwed her over. It’s probably the reason she’s gone solo in the field. If she doesn’t fill you in after you ask her, I will. But I should warn you, from what I’ve seen, he’s not ready to let her go. The guy hasn’t stopped calling or texting her since she dumped him. And those messages are creepy as fuck.”

I’m not surprised Josephine’s ex is still hung up on her, but I don’t like what Chase is implying. “Does she respond back?”

Chase shakes his head. “Not one fucking peep. She has moved on—he has not.”

I’m silent, murderous feelings rolling through my veins. It’s completely wild that I feel this strongly, but I do. “If he hurt her in any way, I’ll kill him,” I fume.

“It can be arranged, you know,” Chase adds with a knowing look. “Shit, the dickwad really fucked up when he lost her.”

I nod, but I’m annoyed he’s referencing how great of a catch Josephine is.

Chase continues, oblivious to my irritation. “I mean with her curvy ass and pouty lips, he was lucky to score her in the first place.”

Infuriated, I huff and puff like a bull ready to charge.Chase better stop talking about Josephine’s body or so help me.

Clueless to my wrath, Chase finishes his beer. “But his loss is your gain. And it looks like she’ll be gaining a lot more too, after what I saw of the dick pics he sent her.”

Dick pics? Naked pictures! What the fuck?! That’s it!

My vision goes red and the bottle I’m holding is launched across the garage, shattering against the cinderblocks.

I’m stewing and ready to haul Chase outside. “Were you looking at her nudes? Is that why you’re talking about her body like it’s a fucking playground?”

“Christ, Atlas, calm down! I swear I didn’t see any nudes ofher, only the ex. I was only referencing what I saw at the diner and through her pictures—where she’s covered. The worst thing she sent him was a pic of herself in her bra, years ago. It was practically PG-13.”

“Could you see her nipples in it? Could you?” I’m nearly screaming. I’ll fucking knock Chase out if he got a look at them.

Deep down, I know my actions are over the top, but Josephine’s the first woman who’s ever made me consider having a relationship, and I feel protective as hell over her. She may not be mine yet, but I don’t want another man ogling her pictures. It’s bad enough her ex-boyfriend got them anytime he wanted.

“Shit, man, I don’t know. It popped up and I closed out of it the next second. You guys may not have worked out the logistics of your relationship yet, but for all intents and purposes, she’s your fucking woman, and I wouldn’t disrespect you like that.”

That’s right, she’s my woman.I calm some and jut my chin at the laptop. “Show me.”

“Dude, I don’t want to set you off again with me sitting right here.”

“Chase,” I warn.

“Shit, Atlas.” But he doesn’t fight me, and quickly gets to work on his computer.

The pic comes up and Chase quickly turns the laptop my way, staring up at the attic of the garage. I look closely at the image of Josephine, trying hard to control my rage at the unappreciative prick who was the recipient of it. I let out a sigh. Chase was right. As far as sex pics go, this is pretty mild, but damn if she isn’t fine as hell in the shot.

“We good?” Chase asks, still staring up.

“We will be when you delete this shit from the fucknut’s phone and cloud,” I snarl.

Chase gives me a tired look, and I get it, he’s on as much sleep as I am. “You know this shit is going to take me all night to bury.”

My body tenses, a growl building in my throat. “I don’t want the bastard eye-fucking her on his phone. And I don’t want it buried. I want it fucking gone, as if it never existed to begin with.”

“Fuck, fine,” Chase concedes with a groan and starts hacking away. “But I get the bottle of Pappy you took from the drug bust in Kentucky last fall.”

I grit my teeth. “Fine, you can have the Pappy Van Winkle, but don’t go all weak and mix it with cola. You harden the fuck up and drink that shit straight like a man.”

Chase grins, like a virgin getting his first peep show.Clever bastard.He’s been after my Pappy since I swiped it, and he’s finally found something I’m willing to give it up for. Good thing Josephine is worth every drop of the priceless bourbon. I’d rather drink from her, anyway.
