Page 21 of Lips On My Heart

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Josephine looks super pissed, and I have to bite my lower lip to stop myself from laughing.

“How did you find where I live?”

“Finding people is kind of my job. And you didn’t even make it a challenge. If you don’t want people to know where you live, perhaps you should have your address unlisted in the directory.”

Josephine slaps her forehead. “Well, fuck. I thought it was.”

“Nope. You need to change it to unlisted. It’s not safe.”

“I get it. I’ll change it tomorrow. But it still doesn’t explain how you got my cell number,” she snaps.

She’s super cute when she’s feisty. “Pixie, you gave me your cell number when you handed me your business card.”

“Josephine, you stupid, stupid girl,” she chastises herself, and I have to fight my smile.

“Not that I’m complaining, but why are you in a towel?”

“I was soaking in the tub when you started pounding on my door. I was trying to relax. It’s been a busy day.”

A soak in a tub sounds fucking amazing, with Josephine naked and covered in bubbles. “We could stay in and finish your bath together.”

Josephine rolls her eyes before waving me away. “Have a seat in the living room. Hades can keep you company ‘till I’m done.”

My hands twitch to reach out and snag the towel off her body, but I’m trying to be the gentleman she deserves, or as much of a gentleman as I can be.

“Of course,” I say with a wink while I lower myself onto her blue velvet couch.Damn, I can’t wait to fuck her onthis.

“Give me fifteen and I’ll be good to go,” she says before sashaying her perfect ass back to her bedroom. I hear melancholy music drifting down the hall. Bon Iver, I think it is.

“Fuck,” I grumble, adjusting my growing cock. Looking for a distraction, I take in her home. It’s totally her, elegant and simple, with enough bling to shine.

Hades pads into the living room. His coat is shiny and his nails look trimmed. It seems Josephine actually did have an appointment for him, although I’m pretty certain it was a last minute decision, letting her ditch me at the diner.

Hades looks at me and bares his teeth before plopping on the largest fucking dog bed known to man.

“Hades’s bed is bigger than the one I sleep on at the rental,” I holler.

Her laughter carries all the way to me. “It’s not a real dog bed but an XL twin mattress. I have a plastic sleeve on it to protect it and a fitted sheet on top. Super easy to wash and keep clean.”

“Lucky bastard,” I mumble, thinking of the regular twin mattress I sleep on. I can’t wait to have a giant-ass bed in the new MC house to roll Josephine around on.

“So, what are we doing tonight?” she asks after several minutes of silence.

“Nah, not gonna ruin the surprise,” I call back with a mischievous grin, completely pumped with where I plan on taking her.

Her music changes to the Boss himself, and fuck if the love song doesn’t have me on my feet and stalking right to her room. Her door is wide open, and I lean my head in and see a beautiful sight.

She’s standing there in a lacy white bra and panties, looking at her massive bed where she has two outfits laid out for this evening. One is a practical choice of skinny jeans and a deep cut plum-colored shirt—she would be comfortable on the back of my bike wearing it. But the second is a white cotton sundress that makes my cock spring to life.

Feeling like a creep, I’m about to pull my head out of the room to give her privacy when her head turns toward me. She jumps, surprised at my intrusion, making her tits bounce in the most delicious way. I lick my lips, eager to get my mouth around them.

She scowls, as if she knows what I’ve got on my mind.

“Uh, yeah, you weren’t supposed to catch me. I seriously wasn’t trying to sneak a peek at you.”

“Most gentlemen knock before entering a lady’s bedroom,” she chides, her hands on her hips.

“Most ladies don’t leave their bedroom doors open when changing, knowing a horny gentleman is right in the next room,” I counter.
