Page 20 of Lips On My Heart

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“Make good on this,” I add, jutting my chin to his laptop screen. I give the rest of my crew a nod and climb on my bike, taking off to get Josephine.

I arrive at her condo nearly an hour early, but fuck if I can wait any longer to have her with me. My heart pounds like a drum the closer I get to her front door.

I ring her bell and stand back to let her see me through the peep hole. Hades is growling on the other side of the door. She must have trained him not to bark his head off.

Shuffling behind the door alerts me she’s there, but it hasn’t opened. I can fucking feel her through the wood, like her very presence is pulling me toward her.

I place both hands on either side of the doorframe and lean in toward the peep hole I know she’s looking through, giving her a close-up of my face.

“Let me in, Josephine.” It’s a loaded statement which can be interpreted a number of ways, and I want every single one of them to happen.

“How the fuck?” I hear her mumble on the other side of the door. Clearly, she’s trying to figure out how I tracked her down.

My inner asshole smiles. “Open the door, Josephine.”

“No. You’re, um, too early,” her sweet voice calls out with panic, muffled by the door between us.

My nose flares in irritation. “Josephine, open the damn door.”

“I’m not ready,” she squeaks.

I groan. Of course, she’s not ready. I showed up a fucking hour ahead of schedule. “Pixie, it’s fine. Let me in, and I’ll wait for you to finish up.”

Nothing. No noise, no movement—and definitely no door opening.

She’s seriously trying to keep me outside when I’ve waited all damn day to see her?Not a fucking chance.I need to have eyes on this woman,now.

Threatening to kick in her door isn’t going to score me any points, even though it’s the first thought to fly into my head. A hilariously evil idea pops into my mind, and I smile wickedly.

She is going to hate me.

I back up to make myself visible to all her neighbors in the surrounding condos. “Pixie,” I shout, my baritone voice carrying to every open window in the complex. “Come on, don’t be mad at me. Baby, if you let me in, I promise to do that little tickle thing with my tongue that you love.”

“Oh my God!” I hear her shout on the other side.

A couple of heads pop out of windows to see what’s going on. Josephine is going to be totally embarrassed. Well, she better open the door if she doesn’t want me to make a scene.

“I’ll even let you finger my ass like you’ve been begging me,” I holler.

“Alright! You win,” she shouts. “Just shut up, please.”

Good.I hear the dead bolt and the lock before she opens the door. “Get in here,” she snarls.

Sweet Lord in heaven!

My precious pixie is only dressed in a fluffy towel wrapped around her pretty, petite body. She holds it in a death grip, dramatically waving me inside with her other hand.

I step through the threshold and close the door behind me, never taking my eyes off of her.

“That’s fucking hot,” I growl in approval, my eyes sweeping over her glistening skin.

“Yeah, well, don’t get any wild ideas. I’m not going out like this, obviously. Save your comments ‘till I’m actually done,” she huffs.

I grin. “I’m pretty content with your wardrobe choice right now.”

She scowls. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re a ginormous asshole? I can’t believe you pulled that humiliating shit in front of all my neighbors. I’m never going to be able to look them in the face again.”

I shrug. “You wouldn’t let me in and it forced my hand. At least I didn’t kick in your door.”
