Page 84 of Lips On My Soul

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Chapter Eleven


This week has been hell. I’ve been worried sick about Maceo and Gauge going after Esteban, as well as super pissed at Maceo for sneaking off while I was asleep.

Oh, Maceo definitely was right when he told me his reason for not telling me was because he knew I would try to stop him. I absolutely would have tried to stop him. Trained professional mercenary or not, I don’t want Maceo going after Esteban without an army.

It’s him and Gauge—that’s it. Definitely not enough manpower, and pretty much the epitome of stupid in my book.

I threw myself into my work, getting further than expected with Lloyd’s barbershop, and even meeting with two potential clients who are looking to renovate their businesses downtown.

When work wasn’t enough to keep my mind off of things, I helped Opal study for her GED final exam.

And when that wasn’t enough, I screwed with Punk, like I am right now.

“Stop your complaining and get out here,” I clip at the dressing room door.

“I’m not coming out,” Punk says heatedly. “I look like a fool!”

I fold my arms and square my shoulders. “Either you come out, or I have Tony pull you out.”

Punk opens the dressing room door with abangand stalks out, sulking. Tony and Eagle cover their mouths, trying hard not to laugh. The girls all giggle.

Oh, I’ve done a fine job.I bounce up and down excitedly, clapping my hands.

I decided I wasn’t finished taking my revenge out on Punk for not warning me about Maceo going after Esteban. I’ve definitely put him through the wringer this week, but using him as a human doll is by far the best payback yet.

Punk stands before us in the GAP wearing a pastel-pink polo with the collar up and khakis—slim-fit, tapered at the cuff, blah khakis. He’s a vision of his own personal hell.

“I hate you so much right now,” he grimaces.

Lies!I know he loves me as I love him. “Now, now. Let’s not be saying things you don’t mean. I believe accessories are needed, don’t you agree, girls?”

The bunnies attack him with final touches. Candy adds a navy fedora. Red ties a silk scarf around his neck. Ebony places sunglasses on his face. And Opal adorns his fingers with a couple of rings. We all step back and admire our handy work. Punk stares stone-faced back at us.

“What do you think?” I ask him.

Punk shrugs. “The rings are cool, but I’d say we’re done playing dress-up.”

My sister comes waltzing over with a canvas messenger bag in her hands. “Really? I figured you needed one more thing.” She hangs the bag on his shoulder. “This is for calling meprissy.”

“A purse? Seriously, Miss Priss? Is that the best you can do?” Punk pokes.

“It’s a satchel, you moron. And no, it’s not the best I can do, but this is.” Simone takes a quick snapshot of him on her phone.

Punk’s hands fist at his sides. “Delete that shit, now!”

Everyone’s cells ping with a text message from Simone with the picture. We all start laughing.

Punk looks at the ceiling. “Fuck my life.”

I take pity on my brother. “Alright, you’re off the hook. I can’t be mad at you forever.” I push him back into the dressing room.

Punk changes and joins me back on the shop floor. “Here.” He places the rings Opal put on him in my hand. “I like these, and after surviving your fit today, I’ve earned them.”

I shrug. “Fine by me. I swiped Maceo’s credit card, and I’m charging everything to him.”

Punks eyebrows jump in amusement. “In that case…” He runs around the store and comes back with two pairs of blue jeans, three plain tees, a belt, and a black denim jacket. “Add these. The fucker owes me.”
