Page 85 of Lips On My Soul

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I walk around the store, not particularly interested in purchasing anything, but waiting for the girls to finish and bring me their treasures. Candy looks uncertain as she eyeballs a rack of what she may deem conservative tops. I mosey alongside her. “Do you like any of these?”

Candy bites her lip and shrugs. “Umm, I’m not sure. I’ve never shopped at a place this nice.”

I frown, not understanding. “What do you mean?”

Candy gestures to the store. “I grew up near Cloudcroft, New Mexico. My parents are what you would call hippies who lived off the land. They also were junkies.

“Dirt poor, no food—my clothes were secondhand. I left when I was fourteen and started working the truck stops ‘till I was taken in by my pimp. Most of my clothes were purchased through him to serve his clients. After the MC took me in, I felt guilty having them give me money to buy anything. I would go to Walmart and buy the barebones.”

Candy looks back at the racks of clothes. “I feel like this place is too good for me.”

Sweet Jesus.

Candy’s story slays me. We may have gotten off on the wrong foot, but I don’t dislike her.

I clear my throat. “Well, that’s absolutely not true. You definitely are good enough. Do you want my help? I’m not a fashion expert, but I can throw an outfit together.”

Candy looks at me with her eyes bugging out. “Why do you want to help me?”

Again, I don’t understand her. “Why wouldn’t I? I know I’m not your favorite person, and we didn’t exactly hit it off at the start, but we turned a corner after…after I was… after Jacob.” I struggle to finish, gulping. “We’re family.”

It’s the simplest and easiest answer, in my opinion, but Candy looks touched by what I said, blinking back tears.

Wanting to save her some embarrassment, I ask her again. “What do you say? Want to chance yourself with my fashion critique?”

Relieved, Candy nods, and I smile. “Okay, the first thing is some basics. Let’s get you to try on some jeans and a couple of solid-colored tops, and we’ll go from there.”

An hour goes by with Candy staying put in the dressing room and me bringing her clothes to try. Somehow, my sister got recruited into helping me while the rest of the girls lounge in chairsoohingandaahingwhen Candy comes out to model.

We check out—or more appropriately, I check out since I’m buying everything. Aside from Punk, each of the girls got a couple of things, but Candy had the biggest haul with six outfits.

I see her eyeing a mint-green dress, which is sweet and feminine. With Candy’s bubble-gum-colored hair—now tamed thanks to my mom’s moisturizing treatment—she would look flattering in it. I swipe it off the rack when she doesn’t notice and add it to the mountain of clothes.

The rest of the time, our group window shops around the mall, chatting and having fun.

Ebony makes sure to walk directly in front of Tony, swinging her hips like a pendulum, and hypnotizing Tony’s eyes to stay glued to her ass. It’s like an invisible leash is between them, with Ebony tugging Tony along and him following her like a love sick puppy. I smirk at their hilarious courting ritual. One of them is bound to make a move one of these days, but I’m not sure who will cave first.

I’m contemplating a wager with Punk, when my sister links her arm through mine. “I’m glad you’re here,” I tell Simone honestly.

She looks at me and smiles. “I’m glad I’m here too. I could maybe do without Chase eye-fucking me every time I’m near him, but I’m happy.”

I laugh because she’s not far off the mark. “Chase is a great guy. Super smart, handsome, big, and strong—not a bad guy to be checking you out. And that long, tawny hair…when he has it in a man bun—yum!”

My sister gnaws on her bottom lip. “I kind of dig his Buddy Holly glasses. It’s like a reverse sexy librarian thing.”

I snort. “Figures you would have a thing for hot nerdy guys.”

Simone nods, looking off in a daze. I stop and look at her. “Simone? Are you crushing on Chase?”

“Shush!” she says, looking around to make sure no one heard me.

I laugh. “Well, this should be interesting. And I guess you’re good to go since Doctor Stoll gave you the all-clear.” Simone got her test results two days ago, and thankfully, she’s STI free. “Tell me you’re at least giving yourself some time before actually pursuing a relationship?”

“Who said anything about a relationship? I was just thinking of a roll in the hay,” she says.

I shake my head. “Yeah, good luck. These MC boys don’t do casual once they’ve got their sights locked on someone. If you sleep with him, you’re stuck, sis. More importantly, you’re not going to be upset with it when it happens.”

My sister scoffs. “Oh, please. It’s only sex.”
