Page 86 of Lips On My Soul

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“I said the same thing, once upon a time. Next thing I knew, Maceo showed up at my condo, wined and dined me, disappeared for three weeks, returned on his hands and knee confessing his undying love. Another three weeks later, he put a ring on it.”

My sister blinks. “Back up and go slower.”

I tell her how Maceo and I met, our tryst out on the trail, and everything that happened after.

Simone fans herself. “Holy-moly, that’s hot! And completely irrational—what the hell were you thinking? Having sex with some dude you just met?”

Seriously?She’s judging me when she’s contemplating jumping Chase’s bones, and she’s been here a whopping week? “Let me tell you a story about a pot and a kettle.”

“Fair enough, though we’re miles apart when you compare us,” she says. “I may be daydreaming about it, but I definitely don’t have the balls to pursue it.”

I shrug. “That’s alright. Chase does, and if you and I are related at all, you won’t be able to resist.”

She rolls her gray eyes. “Your lack of confidence in my ability to refuse him hurts my pride.”

“Whatever,” I say as we start walking again. “Hey, I have a question I’ve been meaning to ask.”

Simone looks into one of the store windows. “What?”

“Mom bought an extra bridesmaid dress, and I need a maid of honor.”

Simone freezes and looks at me. “Are you asking me to be your maid of honor?”

“Yeah, I am. Would you mind?”

Simone looks like she might cry. “Would I mind? Jo, I’m fucking honored. Come here and give me a hug.”

My sister and I are in the middle of an embrace when Punk comes beside us, pouting. “Hey, Priss, lay off my sis. She’s my hug buddy, and I don’t share.”

Simone puts a fist on her hip. “Seriously? She’s mybiologicalsister. You’re the add on.”

Punk brushes her off. “Family is what you make of it. Blood means shit.”

The two get into a heated debate about who’s more myrealsibling, and I lose interest.

I wander toward a boutique I’ve never seen before. It displays all things shiny and soft and feminine. I’m instantly attracted to the giant crystal chandeliers throwing sparkles around the intimate space.

Captivated, I meander into the store and fall in love. Imported silk scarves, Italian made handbags, and trinkets galore. My eyes are having a difficult time settling on what to look at first.

I’m drawn to a rack along the wall where one of a kind handmade clothes hang on display, but my nose catches a whiff of something exotic. I look around the space and notice along the back wall, shelves of scented oils. I don’t wear a lot of perfume—a dab on my wrists and under my ears on my neck, sometimes one between my cleavage and behind my knees if I really want to ramp up Maceo—but I love to tease my senses with new scents every now and again.

A saleswoman smiles when I approach the back counter. “Ciao, bella! Welcome toGiuseppina’s.Would you like to sample some of our latest scents?”

I smile and nod. “Yes, please.” I sit on a stool at the counter.

The saleslady offers me a few scents, and they’re lovely, but nothing is holding my interest.

The clerk taps her bottom lip. “I may have something that will catch your attention, or, more importantly, your man’s attention.” She takes a bottle from the shelf and slides it across the counter to me with a knowing smile.

Picking up the bottle, I open it and wave my hand above the bottle to waft the scent. I frown and look at the clerk. “I don’t smell anything.”

The saleslady juts her chin out. “Place a dab on your wrist, rub it in, and smell it.”

I do as she says and lift my wrist to my nose. My eyes pop. “It’s like I walked into a citrus grove.” I sniff again. “Mmm, I like this. What is it?”

“A pheromone oil with a little something extra. It releases your natural scent to attract the opposite sex. Women typically fall into one of three categories—musky, floral, or fruity. Depending on where you place the oil, the scent may change. And when you’re in the mood, it can become stronger. Drives men wild.”

“I’ll take six!” The girls will have fun with these for sure.
