Page 88 of Lips On My Soul

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His hands tighten around me, not painfully, but definitely a warning. “I know you like it rough. I know you like to be dominated. And all the sexual exhibitionist activity—fuck, Pina—I will do it for you. We can start here, right now.Spogliati!”

Enough!I raise my knee and crack him in his nuts, not once, but twice in rapid succession.

He grunts and immediately lets go of me to cup his bruised balls. I shove him away and quickly grab my shopping bag, stepping out of his reach. “Don’t touch me!”

Suddenly another set of arms snakes around my waist, trying to restrain me. Defensive instincts kick in when this person goes to lift me off the ground.

Quickly, I curl my foot around the inside of the guy’s calf, preventing him from moving me. With my hand holding my shopping bag, I swing backward between his legs connecting with his manhood. The guy lets go, and I pivot, kicking my foot out into his gut. I see it’s Luca as he flies backward into the wall, hitting the back of his head with a mutedthump, before sliding to the ground knocked out cold.

Holy shit!I did that. I took two men out.I take a moment to calm down and steady my breathing. I’m okay, I’m safe, and apparently, I’m a fucking ninja.

I look up in time to see Punk running past the shop window. He stops and spins in a circle with his hands on his heads, looking frantic before his eyes land on me.

He sprints into the store and quickly takes in the situation. “The fuck?!” He grabs me and swings me around his back, hiding me from Lorenzo’s view. He seems like he’s about to read Lorenzo the riot act when he sniffs the air. Punk turns to look at me, his blue eyes dilated.

Ah, shit!What have I gotten myself into?

“Punk!” I shout to bring him back to the frontline.

He shakes his head, trying to clear his lust-clouded mind. “Christ, Jo! What’s going on, and why do you smell so yummy?”

I slap him in the chest. “Focus, Punk. Lorenzo was all over me.”

That gets his attention. Punk strides forward, grabbing Lorenzo by the lapels of his Italian suit, and gut punches him.

“Dirty bastard. You lay your hands on my brother’s extremely delicious smelling fiancée?” Punk shakes his head again. “The fuck you wearing, woman?”

“It’s pheromone oil—Pina’snatural scent magnified. It’s fucking intoxicating,” Lorenzo practically slurs with a wide smile, like my proximity is making him drunk on desire.

Punk pinches the bridge of his nose. “Oh, my God, Jo! You need to back away before I lose my shit and do something stupid.”

I back up a good ten feet and try to make myself as small as possible in an already small space.

Tony and Eagle run into the store to investigate what’s going on. They don’t make it but a few feet through the threshold before both heads turn to me, their eyes full of hearts.

Shit. I’m in so much trouble when Maceo finds out.

Tony inhales and stares at me with wild eyes. “Is that you?”

Punk bobs his head while still holding on to Lorenzo by his suit. “Yeah, it’s her—smelling like every guy’s kinkiest wet dream come true. Some natural pheromone shit. Makes you want to grab her by the hips and gobble her up.”

Punk slaps himself hard across his face, making us all jump with surprise. “I’m sorry, Jo. I can’t fucking think straight, I swear. I didn’t mean what I said, but you do smell like limoncello, and I want to have a taste.God, I’m going straight to hell!”

I hastily pull out some wet wipes I keep on standby in my purse and begin rubbing away at my skin where I dabbed the oil. “There. Is it better?”

Tony cups his nose with his palm and shakes his head with alarm. “You made it worse.”

“You still smell like sex,” Eagle answers, licking his lips and immediately hangs his head. “Atlas is going to kill us.”

“Prez isn’t going to kill anyone except for this asshole,” Punk says, shaking Lorenzo’s love-sick, limp body in one hand. “The prick tried to get frisky with Jo. Not sure if he was his normal douchy-self or if it’s because Jo’s catnip—either way, he’s going to pay.”

Lorenzo swings his head toward me and winks. “Come sit on my face, Pina. I’m dying to see if you taste as good as you smell.”

Oh, dear lord!This is extreme, even for Lorenzo. “I think it’s the latter.”

Tony nudges Luca’s body with his foot, making the mobster groan in pain, and shakes his head. “You can’t give him the benefit of the doubt,” Tony says. “He’s a snake and he’ll strike when you least expect it.”

Lorenzo crooks a finger at me. “Giuseppina, come set my snake loose.”
