Page 89 of Lips On My Soul

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Punk drops Lorenzo with a loudthunk, knocking the air from his lungs.

“Sick motherfucker.” Punk runs both hands over his shaved head. “You guys, I don’t know what to do here. Part of me wants to beat the shit out of him, and part of me kind of understands he’s coked-up on Jo’s pheromones. Jesus, sis, why is it so strong?”

Tony nods. “Right? Are you in heat or something?”

I sneer at him. “I’m not a dog, asshole.”

“I think he means ovulating,” Eagle offers, refusing to make eye contact with me.

I had my IUD removed last week. I guess I could be ovulating, but doubtful. “I’m pretty sure I applied too much oil.”

Punk opens his arms. “What do you want to do, Jo? If you want me to beat his ass, I will. If you want to high-tail it out of here, we’re gone. We can have you file a police report, and maybe you can get a restraining order.”

Lorenzo is leaning upright on his elbows, devouring me with his eyes. The oil definitely ramped upped his libido, but the yearning was always there.

I need to get the fuck out of here.

My eyes land on Punk. “Can we leave, please?”

Punk’s long strides close the distance. He wraps a lean arm around me and leads me away.

“I’ll see you soon, Pina. And I’ll be counting down the minutes ‘till you’re with me for good,” Lorenzo shouts, determination set in his tone.

* * *

In the parking lot, the guys do rock, paper, scissors to see who will be stuck chauffeuring me.

I offered to drive myself, but they all said no. Me wandering off from my security detail is already going to have them in enough hot water when Maceo finds out, and being in a car without one of them will only compound the problem since they’re supposed to have eyes on me at all times.

None of them are eager to be trapped in a car with me when I smell like forbidden fruit. From the way Punk hangs his head, I’m guessing he lost. I sit in the back of the car as far away from him as I can—I hate making him uncomfortable.

The drive to the police station is tense. Punk chants to himself. “She’s your sister. She’s your sister. She’s yourfuckingsister.”

Simone side-eyes him dully from the front passenger seat. “It may help if you didn’t refer to her as yourfuckingsister, moron.”

Punk groans and adjusts himself through his jeans.

Simone sniggers. “Exactly what did you put on to bring‘all the boys to the yard’?”

I pull a bottle out to examine the contents. “Pheromone oil. Apparently, it’s not diluted because it’s potent as all get out.” I hand the bag with the remaining bottles to my sister. “I bought one for each of the girls since it sounded fun.”

Simone digs through the bag with an excited smile. “For real?”

Punk’s hand flies out and snatches the bag from my sister, shoving it between his legs, and far out of reach.

“Hey, moron, I was looking at those,” Simone snaps.

Punk wags a finger at us. “I don’t think so. I’m already having indecent thoughts about one sister—I don’t need to add another sister into the mix. That shit is more lethal than an atomic bomb and fucks with men’s heads and dicks. Wars have started over less shit. The Bianchi mob pushes illegal drugs, and I’d bet any money this shit is laced with something. It’s getting locked up when we get back to headquarters.”

Simone huffs and folds her arms over her chest in annoyance. She looks over her shoulder at me, where I have the bottle I was examining in my hand. I raise my finger to my lips and slide it into my bra. Simone presses her hand to her mouth to stop her laugh and faces back around.

The police station is a disaster. I should have gone home and showered first. The entire time Punk barks at all the male officers to avert their eyes, reminding them I’m Atlas’sold lady. Detective Luke Quire has a difficult time looking at me without blushing and shifting in his seat.

If I knew I was going to be applying theelixir of sexto myself, I would have at least done it behind closed doors where only Maceo would enjoy it.

Maybe Punk is right, and the pheromone oil is laced with drugs. Pheromone oil alone isn’t supposed to do what this shit is doing.

The salesclerk said she wasn’t sure if it was actually something ‘legal,’ and Lorenzo mentioned to Paolo to wait out back for ‘the shipment.’ What if Lorenzo is using the store as a front to sell illegal drugs? It wouldn’t surprise me. I’ll have to mention it to Maceo.
