Page 108 of Lips On My World

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“Don’t let her get on that plane,” I repeat, my voice as strong as thunder clatter.

But from what we’re picking up over the comm, it’s a losing battle. It’s three of our men along with an unruly group of rebel bikers not trained in combat up against Esteban’s soldiers.

Ten minutes later, we’re pulling up to the property to an all-out gunfight. The chopper Esteban rode in on is abandoned and the jet is getting ready for takeoff.

Instead of stopping once we reach the destination, I take the right corner wide onto the property to avoid flipping the SUV. When I straighten out, I gun it for the plane pulling away down the dirt and gravel airfield.

I can’t lose her.

Bullets whiz and ping off the armored vehicle, but it doesn’t faze me. My attention is laser-focused on stopping the plane from reaching take-off speed. Panicked, I race alongside the plane, the Yukon maxed out.

The situation is dire—I’m losing ground. And the plane is nearly airborne.

If I can just get in front of it. Force it to slow down…

But just as I’m nearly there, I’m quickly left behind as the plane suddenly accelerates down the makeshift tarmac.

“NO!” I scream at the top of my lungs.

My gut knots as I watch the tires lift from the ground.

My men are shouting, panic in their voices, but none of it registers. My mind is up in the air where Jo is.

The gravel road ends to fields not cleared of vegetation. I’m forced to stop the SUV. I get out and start running, hopelessly stupid since the plane is airborne and rising higher in the sky. “JOSEPHINE!”

NO!I charge forward, my blood pounding in my ears.No, no, NO!

I choke slowing to a stop after a hundred yards of sprinting.

My hands fist in my hair and I fall to my knees, still screaming her name.

I’ve lost my heart and soul to the vilest creature imaginable.
