Page 128 of Lips On My World

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When Triple returns to our group, we formulate a plan of attack. “I think the best way to attack this is to have Piero’s men surround the perimeter while our crew rushes inside,” Gauge says to the team.

“Simple and straightforward,” I agree. “Let’s get into position.”

Ten minutes is all it takes us to get into position. “Move in,” I order.

Bullets are flying as soon as we enter the clearing, but this isn’t our first rodeo. Not sure what military experience all of Piero’s gunmen have, but it’s clear they’re skilled. Headshot kills are hard to do when you’re moving, but they performed it like pros.

The guards appear, coming in like a herd. The crew picks them off easily.

The security was a joke and easy to overthrow—pathetic. No wonder Esteban wants me to train his men and bring his soldiers up to snuff.

We knew we were walking into a warehouse, but we weren’t sure what it held. What we find has all of us flabbergasted.

The warehouse is filled with finished cocaine products waiting to be shipped.


“Fuck yeah!” Punk crows picking up a brick of cocaine and launching it against the cinderblock wall—an explosive cloud of white plumes the air before being sucked into the exhaust fans. My brothers cheer. Piero’s men standby, amused by our enthusiasm.

Chase approaches Gauge and me with a shit-eating grin, showing us his tablet. “Satellite shows our next two stops are buildings similar in size. My guess is they hold the same merchandise.”

This is the leverage I need to swing things in our favor, to finally force Esteban’s hand into taking my deal to switch places with my wife. Money always has a way of making people see reason, and right now, I’m sitting on a third of his profits.

Gauge claps my back, his smile contagious. “About time we get the upper hand, bro.”

I want to get the ball rolling for negotiations, but the last contact number Esteban used was blocked. I need for him to make contact with me first.

The micromanaging, old ball-sack has visual on all his properties. I’m not surprised when I get the call I’ve been anxiously awaiting.

“Fifty on daddy-dearest being pissed. Must be close if he’s calling,” Gauge surmises with a grin.

“Let's hope,” I say before answering my cell. “Esteban.”

“Maceo, I see you’ve been making progress,” Esteban says with a hint of humor. “I’m glad you heeded my warning and stopped setting your inheritance ablaze, but destroying the goods is no better.”

“Fuck you, dickface,” I snap. “Where’s my wife? I want to hear her voice.” More likeneedto hear her voice.

Esteban tuts his tongue. “Patience is a virtue you lack,mi chico. Josefina is resting. Her doctor has ordered mandatory bed rest until my grandsons arrive. This, of course, means she’ll be locked up. She can’t be trusted not to make another escape attempt.”

Josephine trying to escape is no shocker—my woman doesn’t know the wordyield. She’s a warrior—a Viking queen. Forfeiting is not in her DNA. Does me proud that she hasn’t given up fighting, but I’m worried about her safety and health. Esteban is not someone to fuck with, and with her being thirty-four weeks along with twins, she should not be running anywhere.

Despite my best efforts, I can’t help but inquire about her welfare, a plea in my voice showing my weakness. “Is she okay? Are my babies okay?”

The bastard scoffs at my questions. “You honestly think I wouldn’t provide the best medical care for my daughter-in-law in her delicate state?”

“I put no faith in your ability to care foranyoneproperly. Stop jerking me around and answer my questions.”

“Watch yourself, Maceo. You forget your place. Josephine is well, as are my grandsons, which leads me to why I called. I’ve considered your offer. With you coming home, we can be the family we were meant to be.”

The urge to go off on him is strong, but I need to think of Josephine. I need to present my offer and get her the fuck out. “Fine, Esteban. I’ll be your son and take my place. Tell me where you are and I will come to you.”

“Nu-uh, Maceo. That’s not how this works. I tell you where to go and I come to collect you.”

Esteban’s not a stupid man. He would never give me his exact location, only for my men to find me. “You tell me where and when. Bring my wife to make the exchange and release her to my men unharmed.”

There’s a long silence. “I’m afraid I can’t do that. Your fear for her and your children is understandable, but her place is with you. She remains here with me.”

Mushroom clouds go off in my brain. The fucker thinks he can renege on the deal? Well, fuck him. My wife and babies’ release is nonnegotiable.
