Page 129 of Lips On My World

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“I will destroy everything you have built. I will dismantle everything, brick by brick, ‘till there is nothing left of you and your empire but a bad memory.”

Not waiting for a reply, I whistle over my shoulder to Gauge. My brother smirks, tossing me the live grenade from his pack. I raise the weapon above my head, spinning in a circle. There’s no way he can’t see what I’m holding on his surveillance cameras.

“MACEO!” Esteban roars into the cell.

With a big wave of my arm, I motion my brothers and Piero’s men to follow me out. We’re a good football field away from the warehouse before I respond to Esteban’s torrent of Spanish cussing.

“Remember when you used to come to watch me play baseball as a kid? I was a pretty good pitcher, wouldn’t you say?”

“Maceo, don’t you fucking dare!”

I pull the pin with my teeth and pitch a fastball with the grenade, launching it right into the wide-open doors of the warehouse.

“NO!” Esteban yells.

Less than five seconds later, the grenade detonates. My crew and I don’t even flinch when the explosion sounds, engulfing the stockpiled cocaine warehouse in flames. The pungent scent of charred timber and melting metal fills the air, a haze of thick smoke coating the overcast sky in thick gray ash.

“You have one hour to text me the location for the exchange. If I don’t hear from you by then, I will blow up another warehouse. You really should have spaced them out better. I can get to it within the hour. Best not keep me waiting,” I say before ending the call.
