Page 150 of Lips On My World

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“No,” Tony says. He loves holding the twins.

“Oh, come on. At least let me hold my namesake,” Punk grumps.

“The boys like padding. They don’t like sleeping on bony surfer-bodies,” Tony protests.

Punk scoffs. “Who you calling bony? I’m fucking ripped.”

Tony looks over his shoulder at Punk, eyeing his body up and down. With a shake of his head, he faces back around. “They’ll be pissed giving up the extra plush for the firm mattress. They’re comfortable and trust me, we want them happy for the long flight home.”

“I second that,” Gauge says.

Chase raises his hand. “Third.”

“Pretty sure the consensus is we want them happy,” Eagle chimes in.

“Then it’s settled. The twins stay with me,” Tony says with finality.

Punk throws his hands in the air and looks at me. “Sis, Tank’s hogging the babies.”

“Are you seriously tattling on me?”

“Tony,” I scold. “Share with your brothers.”

Reluctantly, Tony hands-off Easton to Punk. My adoptive brother smiles goofily at his nephew before settling into his seat with the baby.

“Well, if we’re sharing…” Ziggy holds out his hands for Cruz.

Tony’s nostrils flare. Baring his teeth, he hands off the baby. “Mind his head.”

Ziggy awkwardly holds Cruz, a giant grin plastered on his face. “I’ve never held a baby before.”

“Cristo!”Tony immediately takes Cruz back. He snaps his fingers at Ziggy. “Sit your ass down.”

Ziggy does as told while Tony places Cruz in his arms, instructing the correct way to handle the baby. The whole crew listens intently like these are essential life lessons.

Our boys are in good hands. I lean into Maceo, resting my head on his colossal shoulder. His fresh woodsy scent envelops my nose, and I breathe him in. A part of me wonders if I’m lost in a dream, refusing to wake up. It seems too good to be true being back with my husband.

Maceo’s arms constrict around me gently as he watches his brothers engaging with our boys. Long gone is the brooding giant who had to be in control of everything. In his place is a happier, calmer man.

The moment I saw Maceo standing in the doorway of my hospital, I knew it meant that Esteban was dead...because Maceo killed him. It was as if the weight of the world finally lifted from Atlas’s shoulders. He was no longer a prisoner of his past. His relief reflected off him like a sunbeam on a watery surface, bright and dazzling.

My husband is finally free of the man who haunted him and all he has ever held dear. There was only ever one ending for Esteban. You threaten Maceo and his family and you may as well sign your death certificate.

It wasn’t that long ago we first met on the hiking trail. Although we haven’t been together long, the trials we’ve faced together have given us a depth of strength I don’t think many other couples can rival. Together we’re stronger; apart, the world crumbles. I’m a better person with him in my life.

Maceo must sense my staring because he turns to me, his onyx eyes sparkling. A smile breaks across his face, which sends my heart into overdrive. How did I land this gorgeous man with a heart of gold? Must have done something right to deserve such a passionate man.

He whispers in my ear, his warm breath fanning my face. “Don’t be looking at me with those bedroom eyes. You tease me.”

“Can’t help it,” I admit as the corners of my lips turn upward.

“Love the way you look at me like I’m the most important person in your world.”

“You are. And now our boys are too.”

He smiles and looks over at our sons. Punk lost Easton to Chase, and Ziggy is arguing for five more minutes before handing Cruz over to Reaper.

“Are you okay?” I ask Maceo. We’ve not talked about his emotions and how he’s coping with everything we’ve gone through.
